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I have the Cheese!


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On my way to put some clothes on, I flash you and you drop the cheese in a mad effort to cover your eyes. Now I have the cheese!

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I point and laugh at your nakedness until you are so ashamed you agree to swap the cheese for my clothes.

I now have the cheese...and no clothes (we NEED the red board's bum emoticon over here :D)

Merc and Ouro, you guys cracked me up xD

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I hand you a bag making you think it has clothes in it, but it really has laughing gas that knocks you out and I take the cheese!


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I see the cheese in your hand, thereby proving once and for all to myself the existence of cheese. I catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye the sight of poor, passed-out, naked Kiwi, and I give her a blanket because I'm nice. ;) You see my kind act and, feeling guilty for having tricked her with knock out gas, decide to give me the cheese. Now I have the cheese! :D

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I just ruin all your carefully devised plans by dressing up Swiper and take the cheese. Swiper no swiping! I have the cheese :bleh:

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I put some boots on a monkey, and I send him after you in Spanish. With some help from the audience shouting "rapidos!" at the screen, he manages to run fast enough to catch up to you and take the cheese back. You sit on the ground and pout, snapping your fingers and saying "awe man!". I have the cheese!

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I disguise myself as a cute little girl with black hair and ask you very nicely in Spanish whether you will give me the cheese. You are so stunned at how polite and cute I am that you simply hand it over. I reveal my true form to you and make it very clear that there shall be no more "Dora, the Explorer" references in this thread. Also, I emphasize that: Now I have the cheese!! :D

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I spam this thread with a thousand references to Dora, the Explorer, then sneak in your back door and remove the cheese from your kitchen as you are busy composing a Dear Jerk letter about me.

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I come riding in on my horse, carrying my sword, and use the sword to pick up the cheese while I ride by, and off we go into the sunset, the cheese and I!

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I turn myself into a dragon, eat you and the horse, and then take the cheese. I have the cheese.

Do any of you mortals dare challenge me?!

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I turn myself into Donkey from Shrek and woo you. You fall head over heels in love and are so busy with our donkeydragon babies you forget about the cheese allowing me to swipe it

Now I have the cheese

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I chase you around, beating you with a stick screaming "PIÑATA, PIÑATA!" You drop the cheese as you flee for the woods.

I now have the cheese!

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I shout, "It's Cinco de Mayo!" and when you are busying correcting me, I grab the cheese.

Now 'tis I who owns the cheese!

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I am Chuck Norris. I do the Chuck Norris thing. Now I have the cheese.

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I'm the guy who created the Chuck Norris facts website. You are at the mercy of me. You give me the cheese in exchange for me not posting any more facts. I have the cheese.

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I take a hammer to your computer and whilst you sob inconsolably I take the cheese. Now I have the cheese once more

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I distract you with hilarious Supernatural quotes and while you are rolling on the floor laughing, I take the cheese from you, meaning that for the second time the cheese is mine!! ;)

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I give you the book "The Fault in Our Stars" to read. While your vision is clouded with tears and you're too immersed in your misery to pay any attention to me I steal the cheese.

Now I have the cheese! :bleh:

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I look up from the book for a second and realize you stool the cheese, so I throw the book at you, you get knocked out, and I take the cheese.

Now I have the cheese!

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I caught the whole exchange on my cellphone and report you to the police. While you are trying to convince them not to arrest you for assault, I take the cheese. This is particularly cunning because you can't even report it as theft to the police because you're just as guilty of it as I am!

Now I have the cheese wink.png

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I offer you a sip of my cider. It looks tasty but it's really HORRIBLE (that much is true story). So while you spit and gurgle to get the foul taste out of your mouth, I snatch the cheese and walk off. Now I have the cheese!

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I sue you for misleading advertisement and gain the cheese. Now I have the cheese and now you have to be VERY CAREFUL about how you advertise your "delicious" cider! Muahahahaha!

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I see you running with the cheese and and send my dog with the worlds worst breath on you! He catches you and breaths on you until you pass out! I nab the cheese and run away into the night with my trusty dog at my side!

Now I have the cheese!

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I challenge you to a contest to see who can drink the most water in two hours. I lose on purpose, and when you make a mad dash off to the bathroom, I pick up the cheese and calmly stroll out the door before you ever know where I went. I have the cheese!

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