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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Dean Variety Pack (Supernatural, M)

Lady Blessington

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Nobody breathes. Nobody breathes, and Sam stares at Dean and Dean stares at Sam in this dark corner of the subway station. Nobody's here except (thhhk, thhhhk: dragging footsteps) the wraith, the wraith who's sniffing them out. Sam's sweating and Dean's sweating and Dean's up against the wall and Sam's got him pinned there, has got his finger jammed up under Dean's nose, Dean's flushed nose that wants so badly to sneeze. Watery eyed, Dean's biting his lip, he's stepping on his own big toe.

The footsteps blow away down the tunnel. Sam releases Dean.


Dean snuffles.

They're gone.

;)Yum! >w<

All of these drabbles are excellent!!!

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HAHA. The "this is ghetto man" part cracked me up! Nice job, as usual. B)

Well thank you! So kind. :)

And yes!! A real cold. It wasn't as obvious as I was hoping for, but there was a bit of congestion and some decided red-nosey-ness which you can see here.


...why do I always feel like I'm talking about a bunny rabbit when I talk about this guy? :laugh:

Thanks for the pic, and I love the drabble, as always. The stuffy talk is amaaazing.

THANK YOU. A lot of people on ff.net couldn't make out the stuffy talk in this one. Maybe they just didn't want to badly enough. Hehe.

*Sigh* - your updates make me happy! :D This was yummy.

I especially loved:

Dean snaps double, mousetrap-fast.

And, of course:

Jensen and Jared apparently had the same cold (together with their bodyguard) while they were filming tonight's episode. Just putting that out there, ladies.

You know, the mousetrap line was kind of, I have to give props to waveobscura because in this fic here which is freaking brilliant she describes a Dean-sneeze as being a karate chop of a sneeze, and that was the image I had in my head when I was trying to describe this one. Anyway. Thanks so much for reading and for taking the time to comment!


I adore your drabbles. I worship them. I'm kind of despeechified by them, actually, but shall try to pull myself together for the sake of commenting.

I love your pacing, your descriptions, the way you choose your words so carefully and they come out sounding almost poetic. I love the way you can create whole moods, a whole scene with about a hundred words and I still feel like I'm there, like I know exactly what was going on. I love the humour you inject, the perfect light banter you've got between the boys. I love your Sneezy!Dean and your Fainting!Dean and your Concussed!Dean and every other yummy, yummy Dean you've created. :P

In case it wasn't clear? I LOVE your writing. :heart:


Jensen and Jared apparently had the same cold (together with their bodyguard) while they were filming tonight's episode. Just putting that out there, ladies.

This does crazy things to my head. And is anyone else holding a little shred of hope that something (oh please, something) might come up in the gag reel...?

YES about the gag reel, yes yes yes. And wow. :blink: That was some happy-making feedback. :wub: You're very very generous to take the time to make me feel all special. WHICH I DO NOW. Thank you so much!

Aw the congested voice! <3

Great drabble!

I'm such a sucker for it! :) Thank you so much!

Jake wasn't at the LA con... what was the nature of the badness?

Nobody breathes. Nobody breathes, and Sam stares at Dean and Dean stares at Sam in this dark corner of the subway station. Nobody's here except (thhhk, thhhhk: dragging footsteps) the wraith, the wraith who's sniffing them out. Sam's sweating and Dean's sweating and Dean's up against the wall and Sam's got him pinned there, has got his finger jammed up under Dean's nose, Dean's flushed nose that wants so badly to sneeze. Watery eyed, Dean's biting his lip, he's stepping on his own big toe.

The footsteps blow away down the tunnel. Sam releases Dean.


Dean snuffles.

They're gone.

:boom:Yum! >w<

All of these drabbles are excellent!!!

Sneezy Dean IS explode-making. It's awesome how many people are writing him right now. :wub: Thank you so much for commenting!

Have some more. I was trying to hit six particular kinks for a very awesome friend of mine. Happily one of the kinks was sneezy Dean. Uh, swear word warning.

They can hear him breathing. It's how they find him: long, ragged gasps and noisy swallows drift to them through the trees.


His face pokes out from behind a trunk. It's blue-lipped and bright-eyed. "S-S-Sam?"

"You fucking dumbass." Sam's down beside him, picking up the discarded jacket and stuffing Dean's arms through the holes. "Goddamn it. Are you OK?"

Puffing, Bobby catches up. "Thank God."

"Let me see you." Sam stretches Dean up toward the sky, feels him shaking and doesn't let go. "Crap. Hey. You're OK. Say something."

"Hot." Dean paws at his jacket, head buried in Sam's armpit. "Off."

"No no no." Sam steals a hand in against his brow to make sure. "You're not hot. You're cold, man. Don't touch that."

Dean raises a mussed head and peers at him.

"Poor son of a bitch." Bobby pats Dean's chilly cheek. "He's pretty far gone, Sam. Gotta warm him up just right."

"Damn it." Sam strokes down Dean's arm and shifts him a bit higher. "Hospital?"

"For starters, you'd better carry him."


"Shhhh. Agh, you're heavy. Hang on. Just hang on."


He claws at the oxygen tube, pats the bedside table.

"Hey, hey. What's going on? You need that."

Dean's breath hitches, his face twisting up.

"Oh." Sam shoves a tissue into his hand.


"Put it back on. Hurry up."

Dean blows his nose and throws the Kleenex at Sam. "You try hurryigg up. H-hhh...HRXCHTSHGK!"

Forearm raised to block, Sam forces two more tissues into Dean's palm. "Dude, that oxygen's there for a reason."

"Fuckigg tickles."

"It sucks. I know." Sam glances around for a nurse. "You got a cold?"

Dean mops at his nostrils and lies back. "Fuckigg hospitals."


It's not even an injury Dean can brag about.

Cast iron teapot poised for a refill, Sam's leaning over Bobby's couch where Dean's laid up. The handle's greasy with bacon fat and unfamiliar in Sam's hands. The whole thing crashes onto Dean's torso.

Later, when Dean's shirtless, red-chested and strewn with cool tea towels, a hiss and a jerk reveal one broken rib.

"Damn it. I'm sorry."

"This week just gets better add better."

"I'm so sorry."

"Hh-HH... ugh. I'b gudda sdeeze. I dod't wadda sdeeze."

"Don't sneeze."

"It's really gudda hurt dao."

"I know. Don't sneeze."

"Get bee subb bedicid."

"You're not due for another three hours."

"Screw that."

"Dean... are you-"


"Wait! I'll be right back."


"Sidce whed do you have a beard?"

Bobby blinks at Sam. "How much did you give him?"

Sam sighs. "Shut up."

Bobby raises his eyebrows, holds out the duct tape. "Least he looks comfortable. You wanna do the honors?"

"Thanks." Sam crouches by Dean's hip and rucks up his hoodie.

"Your eyes are the exact color of flowers."

Sam snorts. "Really." He tears a length off the roll and carefully lowers it.

Dean flinches. He bats at Sam's hands, misses and gets him in the chin.

"Oof. Easy, tiger." Sam presses the stickiness gently into Dean's skin. "There. Good to go."

"We goigg subwhere?"

Sam smoothes sweat off Dean's forehead. "Yeah. We're going to sleep."

Dean sighs, pulls up the corner of Sam's shirt and wipes his nose on it.

"Hey! God. Need a Kleenex?" Sam stuffs one down against Dean's face. His shirt snaps back.

"Think he likes you, Sam."


Sam wakes up in the dark. There's snuffling sounds, then a sharp sigh.


A rattling cough explodes.

"Whoa. Hey." Sam throws on a lamp, eyes his brother. "You OK?"

"Yeah." Dean's upright on the couch, cradling his ribcage, squinting down. "You odd the floor?"

"Yeah, man."


"Good for the spine."

Dean reaches toward his pocket. It's a good thirty seconds before he makes it back out with a tissue. Then he fumbles, drops it onto his knee, and can't find it.

Sam passes it up to him. "Need some more meds?"

"I've beed thigkigg."


Contemplatively Dean blows his nose. "I should dever take meds agaid."

"Why not?"

"Too buch thigkigg."

Sam leans back against a chair. "You want some tea?"

Dean looks at him as if through binoculars and scratches one red nostril. "Dot id a pot, Sabby."


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"Fuckigg tickles."

"It sucks. I know." Sam glances around for a nurse. "You got a cold?"

Dean mops at his nostrils and lies back. "Fuckigg hospitals."

That's him exactly! :laugh: I loved this one!

Really lovable kinks. :P And so well developed!

Jake wasn't at the LA con... what was the nature of the badness?

No, not badness, just, you know, indifference. I didn't like or dislike him. He was maybe a little cold at the con, but pretty kind anyway... just he was kind of transparent to me. :blink: And to the most of us, I think.

Instead, still talking about not chief actors, I fell desperately in love with Traci and Richard! Aw Richard is such an adorable man! :)

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"Shhhh. Agh, you're heavy. Hang on. Just hang on."

That was ADORABLE - :) I love these SO much - and I'm actually reading it as much for your caring!Sam than for the sick!Dean, (and that's really unusual for me :P - normally the sick one gets all the attention). You write them both sooooo well!

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I love these SO much - and I'm actually reading it as much for your caring!Sam than for the sick!Dean, (and that's really unusual for me :laugh: - normally the sick one gets all the attention). You write them both sooooo well!

I agree! Your caring!Sam is so many kinds of lovely. :blush:

And oh my gosh, sick!Dean in combination with hurt!Dean melts me every time. PLUS you gave us hypothermic!Dean? You're too good to us. But yeah, I especially love the forehead feels, and out-of-it Dean wiping his nose on Sam's shirt, haha. Only Dean could make that so adorable! And Sam doing his best to take care of him. And the hoodieeeee. I'm just... going to go re-read this now.

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"Hh-HH... ugh. I'b gudda sdeeze. I dod't wadda sdeeze."

"Don't sneeze."

"It's really gudda hurt dao."

"I know. Don't sneeze."

"Get bee subb bedicid."

"You're not due for another three hours."

"Screw that."

"Dean... are you-"


"Wait! I'll be right back."

Oh my god I love that part

This was freaking amazing- and this is my third time reading this! I just read it on LJ, then on ff.net, and now here! And it got better everyt time:) Haha I'm such a dork, but I really didn't feel like doing my homework today.

Anyway, its brilliant as usual, and I LOVE how you write sneezy Dean. Its perfect :wub:

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AWWWW! That was AWESOME! I loved the whole narrative. How many goodies did we get? Hypothermic, sneezy, hospitalized, broken ribbed and drugged Dean! How do you do it?

Thank you so so much!

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Agghh. You manage to push so many of my buttons with this one! Hypothermic Dean and Sneezy Dean and Injured-Ribs-so-Sneezing-Hurts Dean and Delirious Dean...you really do spoil us. :huh:

Loved Sam sleeping on the floor next to Dean and getting Dean's snot on his shirt for his troubles. And loved the whole thing, but these bits just ESPECIALLY made me melt a little:

"Shhhh. Agh, you're heavy. Hang on. Just hang on."

Just for the caretaker Sam value, because that looking-after-each-other thing is one of my favourite parts of the whole series and you write it so, so well. And I didn't realise it before I read this but I'm now pretty sure I have a kink for people having to carry/drag/hold up sick/fainting/wobbly Dean...


"Wait! I'll be right back."

Just because - ahhh! Sneezy!Dean!

...It's a good thirty seconds before he makes it back out with a tissue. Then he fumbles, drops it onto his knee, and can't find it.

Because...aww, Deano. Such great description, I can absolutely see this in my head.

Aaand, now I have rambled at you for too long, but...YOU ARE AMAZING. That's pretty much what I'm trying to say.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"Fuckigg tickles."

"It sucks. I know." Sam glances around for a nurse. "You got a cold?"

Dean mops at his nostrils and lies back. "Fuckigg hospitals."

That's him exactly! :laugh: I loved this one!

Really lovable kinks. :wub: And so well developed!

Seriously. She's got good taste, that one.

Well developed! Score. It's awesome of you to say so. :)

Jake wasn't at the LA con... what was the nature of the badness?

No, not badness, just, you know, indifference. I didn't like or dislike him. He was maybe a little cold at the con, but pretty kind anyway... just he was kind of transparent to me. :lol: And to the most of us, I think.

Instead, still talking about not chief actors, I fell desperately in love with Traci and Richard! Aw Richard is such an adorable man! :wub:

Richard came to the karaoke party in LA and instead of doing karaoke he let fangirl after fangirl after fangirl get their picture taken with him. Totally an adorable man. Agreed.

"Shhhh. Agh, you're heavy. Hang on. Just hang on."

That was ADORABLE - :D I love these SO much - and I'm actually reading it as much for your caring!Sam than for the sick!Dean, (and that's really unusual for me :P - normally the sick one gets all the attention). You write them both sooooo well!

Aw, dude, thank you! :blushing: I think the caring-person is pretty important. I guess there are a lot of ways I wouldn't want to be treated, LOL.

I love these SO much - and I'm actually reading it as much for your caring!Sam than for the sick!Dean, (and that's really unusual for me :P - normally the sick one gets all the attention). You write them both sooooo well!

I agree! Your caring!Sam is so many kinds of lovely. :heart:

And oh my gosh, sick!Dean in combination with hurt!Dean melts me every time. PLUS you gave us hypothermic!Dean? You're too good to us. But yeah, I especially love the forehead feels, and out-of-it Dean wiping his nose on Sam's shirt, haha. Only Dean could make that so adorable! And Sam doing his best to take care of him. And the hoodieeeee. I'm just... going to go re-read this now.

It was all the birthday girl's fault! She had such good kinks that I wanted to write them ALL.

Rereading? Awwww yeah. :)

Your comments are awesome and it's awesome of you to make them!

No more thinking? :lmfao: Oh Dean, and him on meds...

Well done as usual, I really enjoy these!

I love him all confused! I don't know what it is. He's just so cute.

Thank you so much! :)

"Hh-HH... ugh. I'b gudda sdeeze. I dod't wadda sdeeze."

"Don't sneeze."

"It's really gudda hurt dao."

"I know. Don't sneeze."

"Get bee subb bedicid."

"You're not due for another three hours."

"Screw that."

"Dean... are you-"


"Wait! I'll be right back."

Oh my god I love that part

This was freaking amazing- and this is my third time reading this! I just read it on LJ, then on ff.net, and now here! And it got better everyt time:) Haha I'm such a dork, but I really didn't feel like doing my homework today.

Anyway, its brilliant as usual, and I LOVE how you write sneezy Dean. Its perfect :D

Whoa, it's like collect all three! That's AWESOME! And I'm happy to help you procrastinate, hehe.

Thanks for taking the time to comment! It's very great of you. :)

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AWWWW! That was AWESOME! I loved the whole narrative. How many goodies did we get? Hypothermic, sneezy, hospitalized, broken ribbed and drugged Dean! How do you do it?

Thank you so so much!

Yes! That was pretty much the list I was working with, actually. My friend just had really good kinks and I wanted to work them all in, so I sort of built the story - and I use the term "story" loosely, haha - around those kinks.

You rock for commenting and for commenting so kindly. Thank YOU so so much!

Agghh. You manage to push so many of my buttons with this one! Hypothermic Dean and Sneezy Dean and Injured-Ribs-so-Sneezing-Hurts Dean and Delirious Dean...you really do spoil us. :P

Loved Sam sleeping on the floor next to Dean and getting Dean's snot on his shirt for his troubles. And loved the whole thing, but these bits just ESPECIALLY made me melt a little:

"Shhhh. Agh, you're heavy. Hang on. Just hang on."

Just for the caretaker Sam value, because that looking-after-each-other thing is one of my favourite parts of the whole series and you write it so, so well. And I didn't realise it before I read this but I'm now pretty sure I have a kink for people having to carry/drag/hold up sick/fainting/wobbly Dean...


"Wait! I'll be right back."

Just because - ahhh! Sneezy!Dean!

...It's a good thirty seconds before he makes it back out with a tissue. Then he fumbles, drops it onto his knee, and can't find it.

Because...aww, Deano. Such great description, I can absolutely see this in my head.

Aaand, now I have rambled at you for too long, but...YOU ARE AMAZING. That's pretty much what I'm trying to say.

YOU are amazing. This is like, primo feedback. I love that you took the time to break it down and show me your favourite parts. :P Totally I share the people having to hold up wobbly Dean kink. I guess it goes along the whole helplessness line, maybe. Hmm. No, I can't explain it.

Thank you so much! Really! I hope your exams go well and that you write more deliciousness soon, because your deliciousness is delicious!

And now for a drabble with not that much sneezing actually, but some. SPOILER WARNING 'cause this is a coda for 5.22.

Sniffles in her ear, a shaking warmth.

"You're safe now. It's all over."

He chokes and shudders against her. New tears soak her neck.

"It's OK, babe."

A motorcycle roars by outside. The phone rings six times.

He gets heavy all at once. "Come to bed." She coaxes him toward the stairs, rubs his side.

He nudges her, pulls free and sneezes desperately into the wall. He sighs, then swipes the paint with one sleeve and his red, gooey face with the other. The cough sounds bad.

"Sweetie, c'mere."

Despite the yogic breathing he's up until Wednesday.

Then he's down.

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And I gotta say it again, I could look at your signature picture all day long.

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Oh, gosh...I am still so not over that finale. This is so sad and lovely. I love how you show the passage of time with the motorcycle and the phone. Poor poor Dean.

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Ohhh, DEAN. :)

The image of him sneezing desperately into the wall is...well, MMMM. And I absolutely adored the line "He gets heavy all at once." There's just a lovely sort of physical quality to it - a brilliantly descriptive sentence.

Loved this, thank you for writing it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Aw! And yogic breathing? Haha! I enjoy your writing. :)

Lisa's a yoga teacher. It seemed like something she might try to help Dean relax and sleep. :lmfao:

Thank you so much for commenting!


And I gotta say it again, I could look at your signature picture all day long.

Isn't it a great shot? You know, even if we never get to see him sneeze, at least we'll have seen people give him Kleenex and stare at him until he used it on a cut.

It's awesome of you to comment! :heart:

Oh, gosh...I am still so not over that finale. This is so sad and lovely. I love how you show the passage of time with the motorcycle and the phone. Poor poor Dean.

Seriously, that was one rough finale. I hope they don't go the tragic ending route next year.

Thanks for the detailed feedback! :heart:

I think I've commented everywhere this has been posted so far, haha. I just... :cryhappy:

Yes, yes you did. I kind of loved it. :hug:

Ohhh, DEAN. :P

The image of him sneezing desperately into the wall is...well, MMMM. And I absolutely adored the line "He gets heavy all at once." There's just a lovely sort of physical quality to it - a brilliantly descriptive sentence.

Loved this, thank you for writing it!

I love knowing people who like sneezy Dean because I'll put in a sneeze and people will be like, "Yes! A sneeze!!" instead of, "A sneeze? Really?"

Thanks for taking the time to tell me exactly what you liked about it! So awesome. :)

Here we have a drabble that had to have the word "ridiculous" in it.


Sam blinks at Dean, then scans the desk line. Clear. "Shh."

Dean glares and exhales shakily, fingering his red nose.

Nails click on tile; the cockatrice is moving.

Dean sucks in a fast breath. Sam clamps his nostrils.

"Hrh-hh..." Dean's eyes slit. He holds his breath. "...Ugh."

Sam levels a warning look, releases him and presses play. A rooster crows in recording.

There's unearthly squawking, leathery flapping, a resounding thud. Two white feathers twirl down.


"'Medicine's for pussies'? Dude... you're ridiculous."

Dean pokes his head up, stands and plucks Kleenex off the desk. "That was bore ridiculous."

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Beautiful update! I have no idea how you came up with this one, but I'm really glad you did. :lol:

Really loved Sam's "Shh." at the beginning; and the little tense build-ups ...

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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UHH. Trying-not-to-sneeze is one of my biggest, most head-exploding buttons, and that was.... :lol: . You build tension brilliantly with so few words! :heart:

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Beautiful update! I have no idea how you came up with this one, but I'm really glad you did. :lol:

Really loved Sam's "Shh." at the beginning; and the little tense build-ups ...

:innocent::heart: :heart:

I went looking through old files on my computer last week and found this story half-written, but with a griffin as the baddie. But griffins just aren't bad, you know? Wikipedia pointed me to cockatrices. :lmfao:

Aren't build-ups the best??

Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! :heart:

UHH. Trying-not-to-sneeze is one of my biggest, most head-exploding buttons, and that was.... :P . You build tension brilliantly with so few words! :heart:

Trying-not-to-sneeze makes me crazy too. :lol:

Yay tension! Thanks for leaving me such an awesome comment! :heart:

Mr. Dent goes up in smoke.

"Ugh. Finally." Panting, Sam turns. Dean's on the carpet, struggling up onto his ass. "You OK?"

Dean's bottom lip's puffed out and seeping blood. Sam crouches. Wet eyes find his.

"Hey. You good, man?"

Dean makes a choking sound, blanches and sinks back down.


"Lemme see."

Dean glares.

"Please? I promise I won't laugh."

Dean rolls his eyes, then sighs and bares his teeth.

"Oh shit!" Sam guffaws into his sleeve. He gets the finger.


At the hospital exit Sam stops the wheelchair.

Dean boosts himself up on shaky arms. He looks down at the pavement like it's a living dinosaur. With a dry swallow and a shake of his head he sinks back down. One hand flaps at the car.

Sam rolls him closer.


"Rinse time."

Dean blinks up, bright-eyed and bed-headed. Sam feeds the tube between his teeth. "Ready?"

He squirts. The water flows down Dean's chin and soaks his T-shirt. Dean just looks at the wet cotton.

"Crap. Sorry." Sam thumbs Dean's upper lip, squints at the hose. "Here, see if you can get it to go farther in."

Dean takes the length of rubber, appraises it and tries to stuff it up Sam's nose.


"HIH-XXXHH! Unhhh, sunnamabish."

Dean's cradling his jaw when Sam brings over the protein shake.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"Hhh-HH-XXPFK!" Dean hisses."Gonnammit." His hand trails strands of spit and blood.

Sam frowns and passes the tissues. "You don't look so hot."


Sam rates it as the grossest cold Dean's ever had.

That includes that time in Seattle.


In public Dean pretends he's deaf. He carries around a reporter's pad and uses it to order milkshakes.

"Sheksheer noo mee neff," he confides to Sam, the metal glinting in his mouth.


Sam doesn't get how that much ice cream can make anyone skinny.


Ten minutes after the wires come out, Sam and Dean are at a brewpub.

"Three bacon cheeseburgers, extra onions. Three fries. And whatever he's having."

Sam watches the meat juice drip down his chin. Dean's eyes narrow in bliss.

"How you doing over there?"

Dean chokes on an ambitious mouthful, swallows and lets out a shivery breath. Enlightened eyes meet Sam's. "There are no words."



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Sam rates it as the grossest cold Dean's ever had.

That includes that time in Seattle.

Heheeee! Loved the way you slipped that in there :D And now I can imagine many lovely things in Seattle... :P

Dean at the end just having his moment with the cheeseburger made me laugh out loud! Exactly what I needed tonight, thank you!

Edited because I forgot to say: I also laughed out loud at Dean looking over the tube and then shoving it up Sam's nose. I can so see that in my head.

Also? Your signature has KILLED ME.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Sam rates it as the grossest cold Dean's ever had.

That includes that time in Seattle.

Heheeee! Loved the way you slipped that in there ;) And now I can imagine many lovely things in Seattle... :wub:

Dean at the end just having his moment with the cheeseburger made me laugh out loud! Exactly what I needed tonight, thank you!

Edited because I forgot to say: I also laughed out loud at Dean looking over the tube and then shoving it up Sam's nose. I can so see that in my head.

Also? Your signature has KILLED ME.

Mmm. Your brain is evil. I bet I would have liked its Seattle things.

Hehe, I hope it was a good death! I'm glad you're managing to write fic from beyond the grave. *is a dork*

Thanks for the amazing comments!! :heart:

Very nicely done as always. :yes:

Why thank you! :laugh:

Sorry this is just the one drabble. Samgirls, Sam totally catches it and it's very sneezy and Dean takes care of him and no I'm not writing that but I love you. :heart:

Into the menu while the waitress is setting down his coffee:


Over his shoulder at the fire station:


Onto the steering wheel:


Cupped in his tie, followed up with a grim blow:


Against the napkin he finds wedged between seat cushions:


Stupidly into the air, holding the Kleenex from Sam by one corner:


Hidden behind a newspaper:


Triggering a bitch-ass headache:


Spitting out Tylenol:


Raw-nosed into a damp clump of tissues:


Meekly onto his pillowcase:


Spilling soup all over himself:

"Hh-GKTCHCH-uh! Dabbit!"

Accidentally in Sam's face:

"ASHSHH-uh! Oh shit."

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That was kind of genius! I love how you tracked his progress, and he got all pathetic and swear-y at the end. Poor Sam.

Love muchly. ;)

I went looking through old files on my computer last week and found this story half-written, but with a griffin as the baddie. But griffins just aren't bad, you know? Wikipedia pointed me to cockatrices. :yes:

Aren't build-ups the best??

I did actually have to look up a picture of a cockatrice to know what it was ... but that just made it more Supernatural with the research and the obscureness.

And YES. Build-ups. SO good.

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:twisted: You just made my day! I was hoping for some more Dean to occupy my time, and then I see your wonderful update! The best part was, I just finished watching a Supernatural episode, so everything about Dean was still very fresh (more so than usual) in my mind, and all that sneezing made for the best daydream ever. :( He's so beautiful....Thank you so much for the new drabble! You're awesome!
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