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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Dean Variety Pack (Supernatural, M)

Lady Blessington

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Samgirls, Sam totally catches it and it's very sneezy and Dean takes care of him and no I'm not writing that but I love you. :)

*pouts* Why not?

I already commented on this on ff.net but I forgot to mention how impressed I was that you wrote a 100 word drabble that was like half sneezes. Very hot :D

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*is a dork*

Hee! But a lovable one :D

You are so clever. I love it.

I loved the progression here, where even though there wasn't much detail, just from the little snapshots you got a sense of Dean just going absolutely pathetically downhill. And I adored, like really, the way each sneeze sounded exactly like it belonged in that scenario, like a tailor-made sneeze spelling. Agh, I don't make any sense. I hope you know what I'm talking about. And ESPECIALLY the spitting-out-the-Tylenol one, because, Deaaaann.

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AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (Just picture that going on indefinitely)

I don't know how you manage to capture it so perfectly in so few words, but... :D

I think the tie one was my favorite, because I can so picture Dean wiping his nose with the tie.

But I loved them all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That was kind of genius! I love how you tracked his progress, and he got all pathetic and swear-y at the end. Poor Sam.

Love muchly. :heart:

I went looking through old files on my computer last week and found this story half-written, but with a griffin as the baddie. But griffins just aren't bad, you know? Wikipedia pointed me to cockatrices. :heart:

Aren't build-ups the best??

I did actually have to look up a picture of a cockatrice to know what it was ... but that just made it more Supernatural with the research and the obscureness.

And YES. Build-ups. SO good.

You looked it up? You rock! :heart:

Hehe, pathetic and swear-y. So true.

Thank you so much!

:wub: You just made my day! I was hoping for some more Dean to occupy my time, and then I see your wonderful update! The best part was, I just finished watching a Supernatural episode, so everything about Dean was still very fresh (more so than usual) in my mind, and all that sneezing made for the best daydream ever. :blushing: He's so beautiful....Thank you so much for the new drabble! You're awesome!

Yes! I love that, when he's all right there and easy to picture.

I can't get over how much Dean there is here to occupy my time. It's amazing.

You're really kind to take the time to leave me this fabulous feedback! Thank you! Makes me happy. :)

Samgirls, Sam totally catches it and it's very sneezy and Dean takes care of him and no I'm not writing that but I love you. :heart:

*pouts* Why not?

I already commented on this on ff.net but I forgot to mention how impressed I was that you wrote a 100 word drabble that was like half sneezes. Very hot :heart:

You and your multiple comments. So much awesomeness. I'm in awe. :heart:

Sneezy Sam is awkward to me. Sometimes when talented people write it, like you, the hotness can override the awkwardness, but for me to write it... awkward. And then writing Dean is so much FUN that I just, yeah.

*is a dork*

Hee! But a lovable one :heart:

You are so clever. I love it.

I loved the progression here, where even though there wasn't much detail, just from the little snapshots you got a sense of Dean just going absolutely pathetically downhill. And I adored, like really, the way each sneeze sounded exactly like it belonged in that scenario, like a tailor-made sneeze spelling. Agh, I don't make any sense. I hope you know what I'm talking about. And ESPECIALLY the spitting-out-the-Tylenol one, because, Deaaaann.

You totally make sense! I was totally, you know however clumsily, trying to fit the sneeze to the situation, so it's really gratifying that you noticed and that they fit for you! I'm happy too that the going pathetically downhill came across. There's a fine line between giving information efficiently and giving not-enough information and sometimes I'm just not sure.

Thanks for the amazing comments! :heart:

AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (Just picture that going on indefinitely)

I don't know how you manage to capture it so perfectly in so few words, but... :wub:

I think the tie one was my favorite, because I can so picture Dean wiping his nose with the tie.

But I loved them all.

Heeeeee! Capslocks make me feel validated. Score. :heart::heart:

Now I'm grinning all silly. Thank you!

"Give me palm trees or give me death."

Sam frowns and watches Dean check the heater for the third time. "Dude. It's on."

Dean's eyes flick to his, then back to the black strip of pavement in his headlights. "This'd be the perfect spot for it to crap out, wouldn't it? Friggin' Montana."

"Could be worse. Could be the North Pole."

Dean shifts in the driver's seat. "What, are you kidding me? You think Santa'd leave our sorry asses to the elements?"

"I don't think Santa mounts rescue missions for kids on the 'coal' list."

Eyebrows up, Dean shakes his head. "Man. That's just c... cuh... hh-HHH-CKCKGZH!"


Dean pinches his nostrils, then sniffs and wipes his hand on his jeans. "That."

Sam unzips his jacket. He crosses his legs and slouches deeper in the seat. "You catch a bug, there, kiddo?"

"What? No. Why?" A cough bursts out of Dean. It's followed by a rapid string of them. They're hard, falling all over each other, like they've been waiting a long time to get out. When Dean's done, his eyes look wet.

Sam turns to the cool window and considers the moonlit field of snow outside. "No reason."


It's close to ten when Dean pulls into the dodgy-looking gas station. He kills the engine and says, "Your turn."

While Sam's pumping gas he sees Dean lean across to the passenger side and tug open the glove compartment. Dean digs around in there, pushing junk left and right, and produces a couple of napkins. He brings them to his face and leaves them there for awhile. Sam's screwing the cap back in when there's a muffled shout and the car rocks once, faintly. He glances in and sees Dean working the napkins against his nose.

He cracks the passenger door on his way in to pay. "Did you just sneeze so hard it rocked the car?"

Dean pulls the tissues down. "Gee, Sab, let bee check by diary." He mimes opening a book in mid-air and flips through it, the crumpled wad clutched in his palm. "Oh yeah, here's the part I was lookigg for: close the door."

"Why, Dean? Because of your chill?"

"Doe. Because you're gudda get this id the face if you dod't." Sam shuts the door just as he's taking aim.



Dean shudders, squares his shoulders and squints up at Sam. Their breath fogs between them.

"I'b sorry. Did you just tell bee to scoot?"

"I got you medicine. If you take it you get a treat."

"How about bee dot kickigg your ass? How's that for a treat?"

"This one's better." Sam dangles the plain white plastic bag and watches Dean track it with his eyes.

Sniffling thickly, Dean flips up the collar of his coat and presses it around his throat. "What is it, hotshot?"

"It's a surprise."

Dean's nostrils flare. His eyes lose their focus. "GK-PBPBTZCH!" He leaves his palm clamped around his mouth and nose. "Tell bee there's Kleedex id there."

"Two boxes."

Dean snatches the bag. When Sam starts to sit on him, he moves over.


Sam isn't angling for a year's worth of blackmail material. That's just a happy byproduct.

It starts with some gentle scolding about the chill from the window and the infection Dean's fighting. The cough syrup/flu pill combo's got Dean compliant enough that with a minimum of sleepy grumbling he's flopped down with his ass against the door and the top of his head poking Sam's thigh.

"You can thank me when you don't get pneumonia," Sam says, but Dean's already snoring.

They're sneaking up on Idaho when Sam notices the puddle of drool forming on the leather beside Dean's mouth.

"You're gonna love that."

He eases a tissue out of the box and surreptitiously dabs at the pool, then folds the Kleenex over and wipes again. He checks his work and spots a slick shininess coating the skin between Dean's nose and lip.

"Aw, gross, dude." Sam makes a careful pass at it. It's not careful enough: Dean flinches at the contact and heaves himself upright, gasping and coughing, staring bug-eyed out the windshield. Turning and seeing Sam, he ducks and raises a trembling arm in defense. The hair on the left half of his head is spiked straight up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Chill out, Dean. You're good, man."

Dean rubs his eyes and takes a breath in through his nose. "Hmmhh."

"Yeah. OK. How you feelin'? Good sleep?"

Blinking quickly, Dean blanches.

"Hey. You gonna spew?"

Dean's face crumples into a frown. He pats the seat beside Sam, finds an elbow and tips down, nuzzles into it.

"Yeah, good. Right. Get your head down."

Dean snuffs an airy sneeze into Sam's arm, arches his back in a catlike stretch, sighs, and starts to snore.

Soon afterwards, the shivers make a comeback. Dean burrows further into Sam's side, slowly working his way up toward the armpit. He oozes a trail of sticky secretions that leaves Sam fantasizing about laundromats. Sam drapes an arm over his disgusting, too-warm brother and self-consciously rubs his side whenever he whimpers.


There are pictures. There are a lot of pictures and they're on Sam's phone. And they'll be useful later. But when Dean wakes up, face screwed up against the bleak Utah morning, head coming out from under Sam's, strands of spit and snot trailing from his nose and mouth to Sam's shoulder, and croaks, "Dude, were we cuddligg?," Sam laughs until he has to pee. The rest is all gravy.

"Add why ab I wearigg your hoodie?"

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Oh, this one is just so cute. Dean curled up in the passenger seat, wrapped in a hoodie, too out of it even to know how pathetically adorable he looks.

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Awww, Dean’s cold and sneezing in the middle of his sentence. And I love Sam calling Dean ‘kiddo’. It so freaking adorable.

Oh my god. Dean sneezing so hard it rocks the car?!?!?! LOVE. You know what? You write so amazingly that you rock my socks off. I told you that you were the one who writes the hottest hotness.

And get out of here—Dean is lying down on the seat and burrowing into Sam’s side, and Sam draping an arm around him? Good lord. They are freaking cuddling in the car. And Dean is wearing Sam’s hoodie. Good lord :P

In any other situation, all the spit and snot would be gross, but here it’s just plain cute.

I REALLY love this one:)

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Uhh, new favourite. :P

I loved this bit:

Eyebrows up, Dean shakes his head. "Man. That's just c... cuh... hh-HHH-CKCKGZH!"


Dean pinches his nostrils, then sniffs and wipes his hand on his jeans. "That."

Sam is just awesome here; know-it-all and especially nosey. And your spellings are so Dean (as always). ;)

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AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (Just picture that going on indefinitely)

I don't know how you manage to capture it so perfectly in so few words, but... :laugh:

I think the tie one was my favorite, because I can so picture Dean wiping his nose with the tie.

But I loved them all.

Heeeeee! Capslocks make me feel validated. Score. :laugh::laugh:

Now I'm grinning all silly. Thank you!

Firstly, consider yourself validated. Um, like a hundred times over.

And secondly, this new story is my new favorite EVER.

There were waaaaay too many lines that I loved for me to quote them all, because then you'd basically be reading the whole story over again, so I picked my very very favorite:

Sam unzips his jacket. He crosses his legs and slouches deeper in the seat. "You catch a bug, there, kiddo?"

And then the sneeze that rocked the car... and the cuddling that was in-character (!!), and the blackmail photos. Almost too delicious to even exist... but I'm incredibly glad it does. :hug:

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There's a fine line between giving information efficiently and giving not-enough information and sometimes I'm just not sure.

For what it's worth, I think you nail it. Always perfectly subtle and sometimes enough that I only catch little things on the second read-through, but only because the first time I gobble the whole thing like I've been hungry for years and have forgotten how to savour taste. (Can you tell I've been baking today?)

Annyway, where was I? I just had to come and leave more love for this, because, oh my gosh, Dean sneezing into Sam's arm, and also, I have a Thing for Sam and his meaningless but awesome comforty words, all Woah and Okay and Shh and Hey. :thumbsupsmiley:

Aaand, don't kill me. I have been re(rerere)reading, because I am insatiable when it comes to your work. Annnd, my curiosity is kiiiiling me. What's the non-broken-jaw translation of this? :

"Sheksheer noo mee neff," he confides to Sam, the metal glinting in his mouth.

I feel like I almost know but I can't work it out. Sorrrryy.

Okay. I'm going now!

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Oh, this one is just so cute. Dean curled up in the passenger seat, wrapped in a hoodie, too out of it even to know how pathetically adorable he looks.

That was the prompt! This was for a prompt. The prompt specifically said, "And I want Dean to snot and drool on Sam's shoulder." Uhhh. Yes?

Awesome of you to comment! :heart:

Awww, Dean’s cold and sneezing in the middle of his sentence. And I love Sam calling Dean ‘kiddo’. It so freaking adorable.

Oh my god. Dean sneezing so hard it rocks the car?!?!?! LOVE. You know what? You write so amazingly that you rock my socks off. I told you that you were the one who writes the hottest hotness.

And get out of here—Dean is lying down on the seat and burrowing into Sam’s side, and Sam draping an arm around him? Good lord. They are freaking cuddling in the car. And Dean is wearing Sam’s hoodie. Good lord :drool:

In any other situation, all the spit and snot would be gross, but here it’s just plain cute.

I REALLY love this one:)

Those boys, man. What can't they make cute?

Okaaaay, this does not prove that I write the hottest hotness, but yaaayyy that it qualified as hot hotness! B)

Thankyouthankyou for the grin-inducing comment action, and also please to be posting more of your hot hotness fic because HOT.

Uhh, new favourite. :D

I loved this bit:

Eyebrows up, Dean shakes his head. "Man. That's just c... cuh... hh-HHH-CKCKGZH!"


Dean pinches his nostrils, then sniffs and wipes his hand on his jeans. "That."

Sam is just awesome here; know-it-all and especially nosey. And your spellings are so Dean (as always). :wub:

Favourite? Woot!!

:blushing: I totally snuck "cold" in there as the sticking-word to be all DEAN HAS A COLD, LET US PARTY! :D

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! Very fabulous of you. Makes me happy.

Firstly, consider yourself validated. Um, like a hundred times over.

And secondly, this new story is my new favorite EVER.

There were waaaaay too many lines that I loved for me to quote them all, because then you'd basically be reading the whole story over again, so I picked my very very favorite:

Sam unzips his jacket. He crosses his legs and slouches deeper in the seat. "You catch a bug, there, kiddo?"

And then the sneeze that rocked the car... and the cuddling that was in-character (!!), and the blackmail photos. Almost too delicious to even exist... but I'm incredibly glad it does. :D

Yes for in character! I saw the prompt and I thought, "But can I do it in character?" I'm grinny-pleased that you liked it (favourite!?). Also? It's awesome that you stopped to say so. :heart: And totally, "kiddo"-calling and addressing the "Are you sick?" issue are things I like when I come across them too.

There's a fine line between giving information efficiently and giving not-enough information and sometimes I'm just not sure.

For what it's worth, I think you nail it. Always perfectly subtle and sometimes enough that I only catch little things on the second read-through, but only because the first time I gobble the whole thing like I've been hungry for years and have forgotten how to savour taste. (Can you tell I've been baking today?)

Annyway, where was I? I just had to come and leave more love for this, because, oh my gosh, Dean sneezing into Sam's arm, and also, I have a Thing for Sam and his meaningless but awesome comforty words, all Woah and Okay and Shh and Hey. :wub:

Aaand, don't kill me. I have been re(rerere)reading, because I am insatiable when it comes to your work. Annnd, my curiosity is kiiiiling me. What's the non-broken-jaw translation of this? :

"Sheksheer noo mee neff," he confides to Sam, the metal glinting in his mouth.

I feel like I almost know but I can't work it out. Sorrrryy.

Okay. I'm going now!

Oh, haha, hmm, yeah I probably should have made that clearer. He's supposed to be saying, "Sexier to be deaf." Like people will think he's sexier if they think he's deaf than if he opens up his mouth and shows them this.

Up with meaningless comforty Sam words. :heart::heart: And with baking. Mmmmm brownies.

I feel ridiculously flattered right now. Thank you. A lot. :wub:

Sorry this doesn't come with an update, guys. Just pretend Dean is reading this over your shoulder, and you can feel the warmth coming off him and smell his deodorant, and then he gasps in your ear and fumbles in close, right over your shoulder, for the Kleenex box sitting beside your computer, and you turn and see him pressing a tissue to his face, holding his breath, waiting...

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Okaaaay, this does not prove that I write the hottest hotness, but yaaayyy that it qualified as hot hotness! :drool:

Thankyouthankyou for the grin-inducing comment action, and also please to be posting more of your hot hotness fic because HOT.

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? :D I have to disagree--ANYTHING you write is the hottest hotness.

I'll be posting more soon, no worries. I have the day off:)

Sorry this doesn't come with an update, guys. Just pretend Dean is reading this over your shoulder, and you can feel the warmth coming off him and smell his deodorant, and then he gasps in your ear and fumbles in close, right over your shoulder, for the Kleenex box sitting beside your computer, and you turn and see him pressing a tissue to his face, holding his breath, waiting...

SEE WHAT I MEAN???? It's not even a freaking drabble or anything but HOTTEST HOTNESS. You kill me.


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Oh, haha, hmm, yeah I probably should have made that clearer. He's supposed to be saying, "Sexier to be deaf." Like people will think he's sexier if they think he's deaf than if he opens up his mouth and shows them this.

Ohhh, that makes sense! Thank you!

Sorry this doesn't come with an update, guys. Just pretend Dean is reading this over your shoulder, and you can feel the warmth coming off him and smell his deodorant, and then he gasps in your ear and fumbles in close, right over your shoulder, for the Kleenex box sitting beside your computer, and you turn and see him pressing a tissue to his face, holding his breath, waiting...

Uhh. Ghhhaghhhg. :drool:

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  • 4 weeks later...
SEE WHAT I MEAN???? It's not even a freaking drabble or anything but HOTTEST HOTNESS. You kill me.



*resuscitates you so you can continue to write sneezy hotness even if you ARE a zombie/otherwise undead*

Ohhh, that makes sense! Thank you!

Thank you for caring what I was talking about. :)

Mm, I quite enjoyed the update and the "not update". :)

I enjoyed your not-comment. :laugh:

These are two pieces of silliness that I wrote as language exercises for a friend who wanted to practice when to use demonstrative-it and when to use demonstrative-that. I don't think I posted them. *shifty eyes*

"You gonna eat that?"

Sam looked up from his book. He glanced down at the half-eaten apple in his hand. "What? This?"

Dean licked his lips and scratched his arm above the cast. "Yeah, that. What, you think I wanna eat your paperback?"

"OK... first of all it's half-eaten, second you don't EAT fruit unless it's cooked into a pie, and third... how can you already be hungry again?"

Dean scowled. "Being cooped up gives me an appetite. I can't help it."

Sam took in his brother's pale face above his plaster-covered arm and frowned. "You OK? Is that itchy?"

"Not unless you talk about it." Dean dug a finger fruitlessly down inside it. "Ugh. I hate that." His face crumpled up and he sneezed helplessly. "And that."

Sam sighed. "Are you really hungry? You look sort of crappy. Maybe you do need something."

"Something like pizza." Dean blew his nose and threw Sam the car key. "Get extra onions on it. And bacon."

Sam huffed. He got up and shrugged into his coat. "Yeah, all right. And then you're gonna take your cold pills and go to sleep."

Dean started to raise his broken arm to wave, and winced. "Mmh." Sam was out the door.

"We'll see about that."

There was a thermometer between Dean's lips, the long thin glass thermometer from Bobby's medicine cabinet. Sam could hear it bouncing off Dean's teeth. The patchwork quilt that was usually folded over the back of the couch was tucked sloppily around Dean, leaving his neck exposed but pulled tight and smooth at his ribcage. Its ends, dangling over the edge of the sofa, swayed a little as Dean shivered.

Sam checked his watch, got up from his chair and held out his hand. "Here. Gimme that."

Just then, Dean's face scrunched up and he sneezed a huge sneeze, spitting the thermometer onto the dusty wood floor. "Ugh. Special delivery."

Sam frowned and moved the Kleenex box onto Dean's lap. "Yeah. Thanks, I think." He bent down, picked up the slippery thermometer and dried it on his jeans.

Bundled up, Dean ignored the tissues and just sniffed once, hard. "Well? What's it say?"

Sam raised his eyebrows. He sighed. "It says you're sick."

"Is that a fact." Dean shuddered harder, teeth clacking in his white face.

Sam set the instrument down and adjusted Dean's blanket so it snuggled up to his chin. "Yeah. It says to drink your tea and get some sleep and that maybe, just maybe, when you wake up, there'll be tomato rice soup."

"Wow, it says all that? Must have cost a fortune." In spite of himself Dean yawned, then sneezed on the tissue box.

Sam grimaced. "Just lie down, man. It'll do you good."

"Only because I like tomato rice soup." Dean sniffled, tipped over and buried his face in the soft red cushion.

Sam draped a heavy wool blanket over Dean. "Feel better."

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Oh hard drive, there is so much old fic on you.

I found this too. It's um. Well Dean sneezes so I thought you might want to see.

"Uh-TSHUH-tshh! ISHH-shoo! Ugh... At-CHOOO!"

Dean pulls a handful of kleenex out of his pocket and wonders why he even bothered to put it back in the first place. Wincing as the wet tissue stings the raw skin under his nose, he braces himself and blows. He frowns behind the kleenex as the pain in his temples flares up, but drains his nose as best he can, sick of blocked airways. Or maybe just sick.

Sam's stuck him with laundry detail. He's still not really sure how it happened. One minute Sam's all, "How do you feel," "Do you need anything?" Doe eyes to the max, like Dean is some girl having her first period. Then a switch flips and Sam seems further away, unreachable. Bossy. "I'm driving," "Sit tight," "Read this." A book about nymphs from a university library. It's on the white plastic chair next to the one Dean's sitting in. The bright lights and fine print are hell on his headache, so he's taking a break, and is looking anywhere but at the dizzy, inexorable tumble of his clothes in the dryer.

"Huhhh... hash-SHOOO! Ish-SHOOOOgh! Uh-CHkghh! ...Goddamn it."

Stanford. It's made Sam bossier. He could always hold his own in an argument, but now he's playing smarter; he's picking his battles, getting out there cold and rational.

Cold. Ugh. The mass of tissues makes another pass under Dean's sore nostrils, and he snuffles dejectedly. He hasn't had one this bad in years. Fever, raw throat, head full of snot and pressure. Sam hadn't even left for Stanford yet, the last time he was sick like this.

They'd been holing up in a hunting cabin off-season, Dad working up a case in town and Sam busting his butt at correspondence classes, and the two of them together always either stonily silent or exploding into argument. Dean had caught his cold and Dad had cut him loose for a few days, left him at home with nose-in-the-books Sam. Dean had tried to help him with his assignments a couple times, but it was hard to concentrate through that much snot, and when Sam's patience had run out he'd made him a cup of the hot lemon knock-you-out drink and Dean had got the hint.

"Ahh... man. Ahhh.... ahhhhhh.... ASCHHHk!"


Snuffling blearily, Dean turns toward the familiar voice. "Sammy."

"Sam." Sam snorts, shakes his head. He's got a nice suit on, from the interview. "You look like ass."

Before Dean can think of a comeback, his nose is tingling again. "TCHOOh!" He fumbles for his soggy handful of kleenex. "ASH-CHgh! Uh-CHUH! TZHCHSHOOOOO!"

"Damn." Sam's eyebrows are up. "Good to go?"

Blowing his nose in the disgusting wet mess, Dean turns his eyes toward the dryer and finds it's stopped spinning. "Huh," he says, vaguely pleased. "Whaddya know." But Sam's already moving toward the machine, pulling the clothes out and stuffing them into Dean's duffel bag.

"Come on," Sam says, zipping up. "Let's get some soup in you."

Dean stands up and tosses his batch of kleenex into the laundromat's wastebasket. "Bossy," he mutters. But he finds that in this case, he doesn't mind.

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SEE WHAT I MEAN???? It's not even a freaking drabble or anything but HOTTEST HOTNESS. You kill me.



*resuscitates you so you can continue to write sneezy hotness even if you ARE a zombie/otherwise undead*

Whoa! Back to life like a Winchester. :laugh:

"Huhhh... hash-SHOOO! Ish-SHOOOOgh! Uh-CHkghh! ...Goddamn it."


Before Dean can think of a comeback, his nose is tingling again. "TCHOOh!" He fumbles for his soggy handful of kleenex. "ASH-CHgh! Uh-CHUH! TZHCHSHOOOOO!"

"Damn." Sam's eyebrows are up. "Good to go?"


Those spellings were maaarvelous.


And I love Sam's "Damn." After the sneezes:) I was thinkin the same thing:) But maybe for a different reason...? :cryhappy:

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So many stories today :P I loved all of them! You excel at writing both our boys.

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...that I wrote as language exercises for a friend who wanted to practice when to use demonstrative-it and when to use demonstrative-that.

You are so awesome. (Are you going to kill me if I'm now curious about what the that/it rule is?)

Broken-armed sicky Dean, and Bobby's-thermometer-spitting shivery teeth-chattery sniffly Dean... :drool:

Also. The spellings, oh my God you're trying to kill me. Bossy Sam...poor confused fevery Dean getting stuck with laundry (and that you called it laundry detail!), Sam and his soup, the description of 'nose-in-the-books Sam', deliciously headachy Dean who can't cope with bright light and tumbling clothes...and this:

He hasn't had one this bad in years. Fever, raw throat, head full of snot and pressure. Sam hadn't even left for Stanford yet, the last time he was sick like this.

Oh, Deeeaaan. Poor poppet. :heart:

And also this:

One minute Sam's all, "How do you feel," "Do you need anything?" Doe eyes to the max, like Dean is some girl having her first period.



And I love Sam's "Damn." After the sneezes:) I was thinkin the same thing:) But maybe for a different reason...? :heart:

And now I am going to shut up, really. Being tired utterly destroys my ability to be concise (and/or make a huge amount of sense), I'm sorry.

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Those spellings were maaarvelous.

I particularly like the extra weaknesses, such as the broken arm and etc.

Mmmm. <3

I definitely don't mind a little hurt on top of my sick when it comes to Dean. :heart:

Thank you!

Whoa! Back to life like a Winchester. :drool:


And I love Sam's "Damn." After the sneezes:) I was thinkin the same thing:) But maybe for a different reason...? :heart:

Heeeee. Probably not for the same reason as Sam. Although that'd make for some hot Wincest or J2. Which come to think of it I've read. Somewhere. Sommmmewhere. *thinks* I conclude that it's gone forever and officially dare you to write this situation if it doesn't squick you.

So many stories today :laugh: I loved all of them! You excel at writing both our boys.

Dude! Thank you. ;)

That last one was awesome!

You really do have amazing powers of description.

And you have amazing powers of making me smile with your feedback. :heart:

You are so awesome. (Are you going to kill me if I'm now curious about what the that/it rule is?)

Haha, no, but I don't know the official rules, and I'm kinda lazy, so I went with instinct. It seems to me that "that" implies you're holding whatever it is you're referring to at more of a distance, whereas "it" suggests you've accepted it and allowed it (emotionally?) closer to you. I think so much of it is just to do with context though, and she said her teachers have all just said it's all about context, so then I felt better. :laugh:

And now I am going to shut up, really. Being tired utterly destroys my ability to be concise (and/or make a huge amount of sense), I'm sorry.

That was some extremely grin-inducing commenty action, besides which you rock for commenting even though you were sleepy. As if you're apologizing. :heart:

Some delicious pointless pointlessness? This is what my head did when I thought, "Damnit, that Kleenex in the episode with the gods SHOULD have been for Dean's nose."

He wants it to be fine. Sam has to be wrong.

The concierge holds up a tissue. Sam stares at Dean.

"Wh... hh-hh-KHH-shsh!" Dean twists half away and sprays the back of his hand.

The edges of the Kleenex flutter in Dean's wake. The attendant's face is empty, encouraging. Dean and Sam trade worried looks.

"Thagks." Dean blows his dripping nose, mops it up and stuffs the tissue into his pocket. "How'd you know I was gonna need that?"

The receptionist smiles. "You had that look about you, sir."

Dean needs the tissue two more times before they find their room, and again as Sam's unlocking the door.

"You OK?"


"Yeah. Picture of health, right there."

"Hey." Dean's scanning the room hopefully for a box of Kleenex. "I know what sick feels like. This ain't it."

"Your nose is turning red."

"I must be allergic to the hotel." Dean plucks a fresh tissue from the metal-plated container and presses it to his overheated nose with both hands. "IH-KHKHKH!"

"Your hands are shaking."

"What?" Dean watches a hand jitter in front of his eyes. The other keeps minding the tissue.

"You're sweating."

"I'm n-... huhhh... n-ot... hhHHHH-JJJJSHSHSH-uh! It was raining."

"Yeah, and now I'm dry."

"It's hot in here."

"It's really not."

Dean dabs at his runny nose. "Fine. I feel like I might be coming down with something. Happy?"

"Happy would be us checking out."

Dean drops onto the bed. It's warm and soft. He groans. "Does here have to be evil? Here's comfy."

"Bundle up, sickie. It's wet out there."

When Sam's right, he's right.

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Heeeee. Probably not for the same reason as Sam. Although that'd make for some hot Wincest or J2. Which come to think of it I've read. Somewhere. Sommmmewhere. *thinks* I conclude that it's gone forever and officially dare you to write this situation if it doesn't squick you.

Whoaaa snap. I uh, I just...that would be hot...I don't know if I could do very well, but, hey, I have to try now... I've been dared! Are other people here into Wincest or J2? I don't even really know...*shifty eyes* Although, I may or may not already have something along those lines all typed up nice and neat on my computer floating around in my head. :twisted: I think I'm over-analyzing this...what are you doing to my brain here? Seriously, now I want to try this but I'm not sure I can do it and I'm all nervous now...

Okaayyy, yay for EVERYTHING that you write, because it is always so freaking hot!! And I know, right?! I was totally thinking the same thing with that episode with the Kleenex, and those screencaps you have, and...

Yeah. I liked this. Very much. Mostly the concierge knowing Dean was going to need the Kleenex because he "had that look about him"...and Dean needing the tissue two more times before they get to the room, and Dean denying that he's sick until Sam keeps pointing out evidence and he finally has to give in and admit it. There needs to be a longer story about this. I also really like Sam calling Dean "sickie". :heart:

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I can just hear the elevator muzak going on in the background of the first bit!

And... I too like the Dean!herding done by Sam, calling him sickie. Definitely a fav nickname.

And! The rain. I do like rain that adds a bit of mystique. I know that wasn't your doing, but I still liked it.

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Heeeee. Probably not for the same reason as Sam. Although that'd make for some hot Wincest or J2. Which come to think of it I've read. Somewhere. Sommmmewhere. *thinks* I conclude that it's gone forever and officially dare you to write this situation if it doesn't squick you.

Like, sneezefic-J2/Wincest? Huh. Never thought that would happen. Not sure if that's hot or just plain wrong ... but anyways, go for it! It's an intriguing idea ...

Umm, can I just say, how awesomely incredible are you with the so many drabbles in so little time?!! Especially liking the Stanford-era one, cos it's easy to imagine Sam being all bossy and condescending then.


Oh, and I nearly forgot to thank you for the awesome sneeziness. I love the way you spell them, as always!!

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