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Quite Contrary

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Hiding scars? How sad. Poor Kai. Can't seem to catch a break.

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Awww! Kai makes me all :D in that one! You do an excellent job; I'd love to see some more from Kai's past, and his early relationship with James!

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Thank you! SneezeyLove: you will :P Another allergy drabble this time, though.

69 – Fuck

James paused outside the art room to check his phone for recent messages. “Hiiiptshew! Fuck!”

That definitely caught his attention. That was Kai’s voice, but Kai almost never swore…. James cocked his head, listening. “Hih’ipshuhh!

Slipping his phone in his pocket, James stepped into the art room. Kai was staring at the paper in front of him with a frustrated expression. “Dammit…” Kai’s tone was less explosive and more of a dejected whine.

James walked over to Kai, standing behind him to see what he was seeing. A beautiful, half-finished pastel drawing of a yellow lily…with a giant purple streak through the middle. The deep purple stick was clutched in Kai’s hand in a white-knuckled grip, ready to be cracked in half. Kai was too busy getting ready to sneeze again to follow though, however, “Heh’ih…Snf! Ikst’shuh! Hihhh…hah’issht! Hh’uhh…hih! Hih! H’isshuh! HiIshu! Snfff!

James looked over the top of Kai’s head, coming face to face with a vase full of yellow lilies exactly like the one Kai had been drawing. James stepped around Kai to further examine them and there was a soft swish as his foot disturbed a paper on the floor. Glancing down, James found several discarded, ruined drawings of the silly flower. James squinted at the actual blooms; there were indeed purple specks on the inside of the petals, interesting. James turned back to Kai, who looked miserable. His nose was pink, as were his eyes, which were streaming with allergic tears. James hesitated, “May I ask why you are drawing something you’re allergic to? Really allergic?”

Kai chucked the drawing aside, his breath hitching again, “It’s…hhh…snf! An assign-hih!-ment. Hp’schuh! Ehh…heh’eptshiew!

James nodded, studying the smaller boy, “And how long have you been sitting here?”

Kai shrugged, rubbing his irritated nose. He glared at the offending bouquet, sniffling, “Dunno. Couple h-hours? Hhh…snff! Ugh, not a-again…Ishtk! Hehhh…hih! Snff…heh’ih’hih! Hiiipsshhh!

James’ eyes widened, immediately concerned. “Hours?” he repeated, “Kai, you can’t be exposed to these for that long!”

Kai rubbed his itching eyes with frustration, clearly just as upset with the situation as James was. He couldn’t help sneezing out another desperate double before responding, “It’s due tomorrow! I have to get this done!”

Kai looked so helpless and worn out, looking with pleading teary eyes at James, begging him to understand. James shook his head, incredulous, “Can you even breathe?”

Kai nodded, pinching his tickling nose. He took a breath through his mouth to prove it, but the air whistled slightly. Kai was getting wheezy. James frowned and helped Kai stand up from his stool, pulling him away from the blossoms. Kai stumbled unsteadily, probably dizzy. Enough was enough. James grabbed Kai’s backpack off the floor, slinging it over his shoulder and guiding Kai out of the room, gripping his shoulder firmly but gently. “This is ridiculous,” James ground out as Kai sniffled pathetically, “We’ll get you a fake one to use or something. You’re not doing this.”

Hope you enjoyed. Feedback is always appreciated. :blushing:

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I've been lurking the forums for quite some time now, and I figure it's time for me to poke my head out of my shell :lol:

James and Kai are so wonderfully precious it's ridiculous! And this last post...omg :heart: You're a FANTASTIC writer!

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I apologize for not posting as often as I was, but the school year is wrapping up and I've been pretty busy. I'll try to update as often as I can. :lmfao: Spica: yay for delurking! Thank you, I'm glad you like my boys :blushing:

90 – Childhood

James rejoined Kai on the couch, passing him a warm mug full of hot chocolate. Kai smiled his thanks and James couldn’t help smiling back. He tugged Kai closer to him, wrapping his arms around Kai’s waist. Kai took a sip of his drink and choked, coughing and sputtering. James quickly took the mug back, looking at Kai with concern, “Sorry, is it too hot?”

Kai nodded, sniffling, “Just a little. Thank you though.”

James set the mug aside to cool and cuddled Kai closer in apology. The smaller boy relaxed against him, then tensed, sitting up. “Heh…hbkschuh! Snf. H’igkt-shew!” Kai muffled the sneezes against his sleeve.

James passed him some tissues and Kai blew his nose quietly. He leaned back against the brunet when he was finished. James pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “Bless you.”

Kai pulled back just enough so that James could see his shy smile. “Thanks for taking care of me,” he said quietly, blushing.

Blue eyes widened. James brushed Kai’s hair out of his face and smiled back. “Of course, love!” James pulled Kai close to him again, squeezing gently, “Didn’t anyone do this kind of thing for you when you were little?”

Kai tensed.

He was sitting at the top of the staircase, practicing tying his shoelaces. His head hurt and he was having trouble concentrating. His nose tickled and he quickly pinched it shut with one small fist, “Hmbtk!”

He sniffled and untied his shoe again. The second sneeze caught him by surprise and burst out uncovered, “Ibschuh!”

He was snapped forward as someone backhanded him, knuckles cracking against the back of his skull. He bit his lip, swallowing a whimper. “Cover your fucking mouth, you little rat!” the man snarled as he thundered down the stairs.

He shivered but stubbornly refused to let the tears fall.

Kai just shook his head, snuggling more into James’ sweet embrace.

Comments are always appreciated! :blushing:

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Don't worry about it! take your time updating, school is always extreemly hetic this time of year so take all the time you need. that being said, I just have to say that I am basically speachless about how amazing, cute and sad the last one was. thanks so much for writing these!

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James pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “Bless you.”

Kai pulled back just enough so that James could see his shy smile. “Thanks for taking care of me,” he said quietly, blushing.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I will never have words. I want them to be real! They ARE real! I. Love. Them. So. Much.

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Ohmygosh, thank you guys so much for being patient with me. And thank you even more for all your lovely comments! :naughty: Again, sorry these are coming so much slower, but I am NOT done drabbling yet, I promise. :lol:

32 – Fall

Hih’ih…heh! H’eptshiu! Snff!

James had turned away from Kai, stopping in his tracks to sneeze, although their hands still linked them together. Kai tugged on the brunet’s hand, his eyes narrowing. James turned back, his cheeks slightly pink. “Bless you,” Kai said, examining him again with concern, “Are you okay?”

James nodded, trying not to sniffle. He tried to continue walking down the park path, but Kai remained motionless, resulting only in yet another tug on his arm. He turned back to the dark haired boy. “Allergies,” he said, forcing a smile.

Kai frowned and nudged one of the rust-colored leaves that littered the concrete with his ragged sneaker. He stared straight up at James, “It’s October.”

James shivered in the autumn breeze and winced, knowing he was caught. He wrinkled his nose, wishing the constant, nagging tickle would either come out or leave him alone. Suddenly, he turned away again, burying his face in his elbow, “Hah’idjschuh! Snf. Snff!

The brunet turned back towards Kai with a guilty expression. Kai smiled warmly and pulled him in the opposite direction from their original intended path. He squeezed James’ hand tenderly. “C’mon, I’ll walk you home,” he said, a hint of a laugh in his voice, “We can get you a blanket and some hot cider for your ‘allergies.’”

Hope you enjoyed! Feedback is always welcome!

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Awwww x2. That's wo cute. I wish they Were real. You are a great writEr. No doubt about it. I love it

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Quite Contrary -- I've read your drabbles for the first time in the past few days -- and --


Seriously, they're so real I want to eat them. And then melt into a little puddle. And then read them again...



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Wow, thank you, thank you! :laugh: Slightly longer one this time, hope you enjoy it.

53 – Blanket

James walked into his living room, towel-drying his hair roughly. He smiled as he looked at Kai, sitting on the couch dressed in James’ pajamas, his significantly smaller size making them a comical fit, with the bottoms covering his feet and the sleeves half-covering his hands. They had gotten caught in a rainstorm on the way back from the park, both of them soaked by the time they reached James’ house. Tossing the towel aside when finished, James’ smile quickly turned to a frown with closer observation, “Kai, you’re shaking. Are you cold?”

Kai glanced up, blushing. He couldn’t help shivering again, even though he tensed, trying to hide it. “Um, a little maybe,” he mumbled, embarrassed.

James nodded and held up a finger, indicating that he’d be back in a moment. Heading towards the laundry room, the brunet snagged a fluffy blanket from a closet. Hesitating a moment over which button to press, James tossed the blanket into the dryer, pulling it out a few minutes later and smiling at its warmth. Returning to the living room, James wrapped it around Kai before joining him on the couch. Kai smiled gratefully, whispering, “Thanks.”

James grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, flipping through channels for quite a while before giving up and deciding to pick a movie. He turned to Kai, “Any movie preferences?”

Kai swallowed and shook his head, huddled in his blanket. He shivered strongly again, seemingly unable to contain it. James cocked his head, concerned. “Are you still cold?” he asked.

Kai seemed hesitant to answer, so James didn’t wait, pulling Kai into his arms. “C’mere,” he said softly, brushing a kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead.

Almost immediately, he pulled back, worry in his blue eyes. He brushed back Kai’s still-damp hair gently, “You have a fever.”

Kai cleared his throat, sniffling, and nodded, mumbling a soft “oh.” He sniffled again, this time with a slight sense of urgency, and rubbed at his nose. “Do you want me to get you some Tylenol?” James asked, not yet making any move to get up or release the smaller boy.

Kai shook his head, sniffling again. “N-no, I’m okay,” Kai shifted as though trying to pull away, then ducked his head into the blanket, “Hhh…hgkt! Uhh…snf! Heh’mbtksh!

James was frowning as Kai resurfaced with a soft sniffle. “Are you not feeling well?”

Kai cleared his throat again and gave an uneasy laugh, “Can’t catch a cold from rain, James.”

James raised an eyebrow, “I know that. Which is why I’m assuming you didn’t feel well earlier either? Why didn’t you say something?”

Kai shrugged, avoiding James’ gaze. “I don’t know,” he said softly, hesitating, “It was just a headache this morning. Then my throat felt kinda scratchy later. But…I wanted to spend the day with you. We had fun plans.”

James frowned, confused. “And who said you couldn’t spend the day with me if you weren’t feeling well?”

Kai sniffled and scrubbed at his nose with a sleeve-covered hand. “Dunno…me?” Kai ducked his head, flinching into another double, “Heh’igst! Snf…huh…hptk’shh!

James tightened his hold for a moment, and dropped another kiss on the dark head. “Bless you,” he said gently, “Well, I didn’t ask you, so I think you’ll continue this fun day with me. Now, how about that movie?”

Comments are always welcome! :D

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Awws! James is so sweet! And Kai is such a cutie! They make me all happy inside!! :twisted: Please write more soon!

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Kai and James FOREVER! So much cute!

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Thank you all so much, seriously! :D I apologize for the minimal amoung of sneezing in this drabble, but it just came into my head this way, so...here goes.

46 – Enraptured

James stepped into the art room, smiling at the sight of Kai bent over his latest project, sketching away. His arm moved across the paper, charcoal touching down to make a line here, stretching a finger to smudge a detail there. Kai sniffed, bringing his wrist to rub hastily at his nose. He glanced up for a moment, catching sight of James. His expression brightened, “Oh, hey!”

James moved to stand behind the smaller boy who was perched on his stool. Blue eyes roamed the paper with interest. “Tell me about this?” he asked, gesturing towards the page.

Kai started, a slight tinge coming to his cheeks. Nervous, Kai made a quick adjustment to his drawing and rubbed at his nose again. “Um, well…I’m sort of mashing a bunch of images together to make a larger image. Like those puzzles where the picture is made up of hundreds of smaller pictures? Snf. Except these images are all linked a-and…” Kai paused, flinching against his wrist, “Heh’kst! Snf…Hmptk!

James looked at him carefully, “Bless you. The charcoal dust?”

Kai nodded, sniffling quietly. He cleared his throat, “So, um, they’re all linked together….”

James watched as Kai began to talk about his artwork again, hesitant but the brunet saw the soft light of joy in his eyes. He leaned in, wrapping one arm gently around Kai’s shoulders, tilting his head towards Kai’s, his cheek almost brushing Kai’s forehead. Kai’s speech seemed to trip, stumble, and catch itself, continuing his explanation a little surer, a slow, sweet smile spreading across his face.

He was beautiful. James felt his heart stutter as he looked at Kai. His gaze remaining on Kai, warmth spread through James’ chest as he listened intently to every word.

Hope you enjoyed! Comments are always welcome :yes:

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There is no way that I come on this story a day after the upload and there's still no comments. These dribbles are way too good for that, so I know that theres some sort of forum malfunction. I don't always comment because I feel that nothing I say will justify the awesome-ness of your drabbles but still. I mean I love these and there so popular. So if I'm the first commandos I feel awesome. Great Drabble.

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Thank you, Tassielli! Seriously, your comment made my day! :whip: I have several drabbles written in advance right now, so there will definately be some more.

In the mean time, there are some drabbles on the list of 100 that I don't have a clear idea yet what I want to do with them. For anyone who's reading these, if there's anything in particular that you might like to see, I'd love to at least get some input. No guarantees that I will be able to do what you ask, so please don't feel insulted if I don't write an idea... :showoff: Here's a list of the drabble names that I don't have done yet, in case any of the names inspire you as they fail so far to inspire me.

5 – Pencil, 7 – Misplaced, 8 – Joy, 9 - Touched, 12 – Sin, 14 – Frail, 34 – Relief, 42 – Poison, 50 – Gentle, 51 – Milk, 55 – Ruin, 60 – Bike, 67 – Worship, 68 – Attitude, 70 – Confession, 72 – Remedy, 74 – Ego, 76 – Lullaby, 77 – Secret, 78 – Shut Up, 80 – Grudge, 81 – Solitude, 82 – Magic, 83 – Dirty, 86 – Sky, 89 – Money, 91 – Goodbye, 96 – Internet, 97 – Fashion

But obviously, no one came here to read that list, so here's the actual drabble... :clapping:

62 – Puppy

Holding hands, James and Kai strolled through the crowded mall. As they approached a pet shop, the brunet smiled and pulled Kai towards it. “C’mere, I have an idea,” he said grinning.

They headed straight for the back of the shop where there was a circular enclosure built in as a playpen. The two stopped right in front of it and James watched as a grin spread across Kai’s face, his green eyes bright with excitement. Inside, an English coonhound puppy was being showcased, all big paws and floppy ears. Kai looked at James shyly and James gestured towards the pen, sitting down on the edge with his feet inside. Kai followed and the puppy skipped right up to them. James snagged the hyper little thing and plopped it into Kai’s arms. Kai’s smile broadened and he tentatively scratched the dog’s ears. The puppy licked his face in return and Kai laughed. James smiled; Kai was having fun. Suddenly, Kai jerked his head away, “Heh’ish!

Kai loosened his hold on the wriggling puppy to rub at his nose, sniffling. “E-excuse…hih’ih! ‘scuse me. Isht!

The puppy jumped down from Kai’s lap, running around the pen, unfazed. James looked at Kai with concern. His green eyes were already reddening; Kai rubbed his nose again, confused. “Crap,” James muttered, quickly helping Kai up and out of the store, searching for the nearest restroom.

Pulling Kai inside, James immediately set to work, grabbing a paper towel and getting it damp. He handed it to Kai, feeling guilty. “Here, wash your face off with this,” James rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m so sorry, I had no idea you were allergic.”

Kai obeyed, but was smiling when he pulled the paper away. “Me neither. I’ve…hh! I’ve n-never…ipshuu! Snf. Never really been around dogs.”

James blinked, startled. He passed Kai a wad of toilet paper. Kai held it near his face, his breath hitching again. He ducked his head down, “Huh…hpffsh! Snf. Eh…hih! Heh’ih! Ipffsh!

Kai blew his nose quietly and tossed the toilet paper when he finished. He smiled at James, slightly embarrassed from his sneezey outburst. James frowned, still feeling awful for putting Kai into the situation in the first place. He swatted lightly at Kai’s clothes, trying to remove any fur that might remain. “It’s a short-haired breed so it shouldn’t bother you after a few minutes of being away,” James said quietly, “I’m sorry.”

Kai smiled, thinking of that cute puppy, “Don’t be. It was fun! Th-thank…heh’ishtk! Snf. Thank you.”

Comments and suggestions or ideas are very, very welcome and appreciated! :lol:

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I love these stories so much! They are so cute. I loved this last one :). Keep 'em coming!

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These are so awesome! Poor Kai, being allergic to dogs! Um, if I may be so bold as to offer a couple ideas? I don't know if they're any good or if they're just crap, and I know you've done similar things in the past but... Well, here are a couple of my thoughts I guess. For 'Relief' one of them (Kai?) could have a sneeze that's stuck, and when he finally sneezes, it's a relief. For 'Shut Up' it could be another one with one of the guys taking care of the other, when one of them is sick. Like, "Shut up and let me take care of you" kind of thing. And for 'Confession' maybe Kai could confess to James another allergy that's he's been hiding/recently discovered. Sorry if those are stupid! No matter what, I can't wait to read more drabbles from you! These boys are seriously too cute for their own good! (Also, if you wanted to bring Alex back again for the hell of it... I can't say I'd mind!)

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Your welcome. My comment making your day made my day. This is so cute. Awww. And he still loved seeing the puppy. Ermm for shut up one of them could be teasing the other and then the other would be like, "shut up!". Idk. Pencil. James could be caught up I. His work again and Kai could b sick and then Kai goes over stars to ask for a pencil but then has sneezing fit and James looks up from work and Kai goes "um I just wanted a pencil."

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Dies :dead: comes back as zombie......I have to agree with everyone else! I also love these stories! I mean really?! they are just so adorable and amazing and and....... :boom: especially the puppy one. :wub: Thank you so much for writing these. So looking forward to more. :D Dies again :dead:

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Thank you all very, very much for your comments. Tassielli and SneezeyLove, seriously, thank you SO much for your suggestions. They're really helpful and I'm already working with them, something will be up soon :D In the meantime, here's another quick drabble!

39 – Muffle


James winced as Kai pressed a fist hard against his nose. “Bless you.”

H’mbkt! Snf!

Kai sniffled quietly, unwilling to blow his pinkened, tortured nose. James resisted the urge to rake his hand through his hair. “Kai,” he said gently, “Could you please stop stifling like that? It makes my sinuses hurt just hearing it, and it’s not good for you.”

Kai blushed; it was a deeply ingrained habit. “Sorry,” he whispered.

James looked carefully at the smaller boy. His green eyes were dull, tired. He shivered occasionally; James guessed he had a low fever. Kai muffled a cough against his wrist. James sat on the bed next to him, concerned, “How are you feeling?”

Kai swallowed, not looking at James. “I’m f-fine,” he was losing his voice too, “Hgkt!

James gave Kai a warning look. Squinting, Kai reluctantly pulled his fist away from his face, turning instead towards his shoulder, “Hehh…hp’kshiu!

James smiled, “Bless you.”

Kai rubbed his nose tenderly with his sleeve, blushing. He glanced at James’ smile. Well, maybe he could try a little harder…for James.

Hope you enjoyed. Comments and suggestions are welcome! :fear:

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