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27jaredjensen's drabble thread [56/101]


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Wow, like... wow.

Hee, is this a good wow or a bad wow? ;) Thanks for reading!

So cute, with Sam's hoody ... and sad!!! Poor Dean ... man, I need to watch season 6 ...

I don't think I've said how much I love these drabbles for a while? Love these drabbles! :lol:

Ooh, you really should! It's a good season. Thank you thank you thank youuuuu!!!


*lights a lighter and holds it up*

;):lol::heart: ILY.

Aw aw aw! SO sweet and sad!

I LOVE your drabbles! Seriously, I went ahead and read EVERY SINGLE ONE and I'm in love. Wayyy in love. You literally make me so happy! Thanks billions and trillions for making my life. :innocent:

Oh wow, you rock so hard :heart:

Gah, I love your drabbles SO much, hon!! ;)

Thank you!! I love YOU so much:)

:lol: Awww, weather is soooo sad - kinda break me! But so awesome as well! I REEEEEEEEAAAAAALLY like your drabble - So don't worry you can use prompts two and more times - I would be more than happy to read ;)

Hee, I happy to hear that! Thank you!!

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God... Why am I reading these when I should be writeing a Michelangelo presentation (that needs to be ready tomorrow, or actually today)... *sigh* I feel like I'm... left out of something because here our tv has just reached season 4 and I'm not gonna watch the show from the Internet, never... xD

Anyway, what I ment to say is that I really like your drabbles. They are nice. :3 Very good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

...I've missed so much! :'(

a) Feverish!Sam is probably one of myt fav flavours of SPN H/c.

:laugh: What's with all the role-reversal between you and Mad?? She's writing sneezy!Sam and you're writing sneezy!Dean! It's like black is white and up is down!

c) I love them all anyway...:D

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God... Why am I reading these when I should be writeing a Michelangelo presentation (that needs to be ready tomorrow, or actually today)... *sigh* I feel like I'm... left out of something because here our tv has just reached season 4 and I'm not gonna watch the show from the Internet, never... xD

Anyway, what I ment to say is that I really like your drabbles. They are nice. :3 Very good.

Aw, thank you so much for reading them!!

...I've missed so much! :'(

a) Feverish!Sam is probably one of myt fav flavours of SPN H/c.

:laugh: What's with all the role-reversal between you and Mad?? She's writing sneezy!Sam and you're writing sneezy!Dean! It's like black is white and up is down!

c) I love them all anyway...:)

A)Yay:) I love feverish Sam too, obviously:P

B)Is this new sneezy!Sam we're talking about?

C)THANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello friends. Here is another drabble, a bit of sick!Dean for tonight. Don’t mind the picture, I have to get these things out of my system somehow :)

Prompt 60: Mother

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 100



“Dean, I-“

“Oh God, Sab. Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop lookigg like a- ehh- HT-CHH! Like a kicked puppy. I’b fide.”

“You’re sick,” Sam argues. “You should be in bed.”

Dean grabs a Kleenex from the box in front of him, blows his nose before answering, momentarily free from congestion.

“Thanks, mother. Let’s just hurry up and fin…hhh-HPSHSH! Dabbit.”

“Seriously, Dean. Go get some rest. I can handle this.”

“Fine, bitch,” Dean growls, reluctantly standing. “But you better get this done.”

Sam rolls his eyes, watches Dean sniffle and shuffle his way out of the room.

“Stubborn jerk.”


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Awww, grumpy Dean! I. LIKE! And Puppy-Eyes Sam! Plus some typical snarky Dean (calling Sam mother).

Aaaaand a really nice picture!!! :drool: Wish I could do something like that....

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Including the picture.

It's got puppy!Sam and fever/snarky!Dean!!!

edit cause I forgot somethin': I really like the candles. Because obviously they're squatting in some place because they're too poor to afford electricity and a real hotel room, etc. Makes the whole thing more desperate and exciting. Awesomeness.

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Aw! :) The fever-blush in Dean's cheek, and the gaspy irrepressible sneezes. And the shapes of their hair. Soooo good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Awww, grumpy Dean! I. LIKE! And Puppy-Eyes Sam! Plus some typical snarky Dean (calling Sam mother).

Aaaaand a really nice picture!!! :( Wish I could do something like that....

Hee:) Thank you sooo much! :lmfao: You rock hard.

Dean muffin. <3 I love it! ;)

Mmm hmmm. Thank youuu!


Including the picture.

It's got puppy!Sam and fever/snarky!Dean!!!

edit cause I forgot somethin': I really like the candles. Because obviously they're squatting in some place because they're too poor to afford electricity and a real hotel room, etc. Makes the whole thing more desperate and exciting. Awesomeness.

And I love everything about you!! It makes me so happy that you noticed the candles. Also, that you exist. THANK YOU :)

Aw! :) The fever-blush in Dean's cheek, and the gaspy irrepressible sneezes. And the shapes of their hair. Soooo good.

Haha, the shapes of their hair is always a complete accident. Thank you for reading!!!

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I :( Sammy!!! And I also ;) all of youuuu, I can never thank you enough for reading these:)

Prompt 29: Purple

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 215

A/N: Apparently I like to draw purple Kleenex boxes:P



“Hey, bitch, I got your tea-”

Dean stops short when he sees that Sam is asleep on the couch. He sighs, then brushes aside a few crumpled tissues so he can set the tea next to the box of Kleenex on the end table.

“’Bout time you fell asleep,” Dean whispers. Sam’s fingers are curled around a tissue, and Dean gently takes it from his grasp and adds it to the growing pile. He then tucks the blanket more firmly around Sam’s shoulders, quickly brushing his hand across his brother’s forehead. He frowns when he feels heat there.

As Dean quietly backs out of the room to go get the Tylenol, Sam stirs, scrunches up his nose, and wakes himself up with a loud sneeze.


He pushes himself up on one elbow and rubs as his eyes with one hand while fumbling for a Kleenex with the other. Dean sighs again and walks back over to the couch. He hands Sam the Kleenex box and waits for Sam to blow his nose.

“Made you some tea,” he says, holding out the mug, and Sam smiles weakly as he accepts it.

“Thought you said tea was for girls,” he croaks.

“It is,” Dean chuckles, then ducks as a purple box comes flying in his direction.


Prompt 14: Frail

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 196

A/N: Uh, you guys already knew that I was weird, right? Right. Don’t even ask me where this one came from, sleep deprivation maybe. IDK.



“Holy shit.”

“I know, Dean. I’m just as freaked out as you are.”

“It was the witch, it had to be.”


“Holy shit.”

“I know, Dean.” Sam looks up at Dean, who looks like a giant. Except, Dean’s the one who’s normal sized.

“You’re like, half a foot tall!”

“You don’t have to yell about it, Dean.”

Sam watches Dean pace the floor for a few minutes, then looks around at his surroundings. It’s the same motel room, but a whole new perspective. He’s on the nightstand, which is now enormous to him. The lamp has to be at least three times the size he is.

“What are we going to do?” Dean asks after he calms down a little.

Sam sits down on the edge of the nightstand and shrugs miserably, then pitches forward with a tiny sneeze.


“Guess your cold carried over then,” Dean says as Sam sniffles and drags a sleeve under his nose. He thinks for a second, then presses his index finger gently against Sam’s cheek, mindful of Sam’s frail state. “Your fever, too.”


“Hey, we’ll figure this out, okay?”

Sam sighs, sniffles again.

“I sure hope so.”


Prompt 66: Similarities

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 101

A/N: Okay, back to normal now. Some good ol’ sneezy!Sammy and big-bro!Dean




Sam stifles a sneeze against his fist and pushes himself up into a sitting position.

“Gesundheit,” Dean says, standing and walking over to Sam’s bed. “And good morning.”

Sam snuffles and rubs at his nose sleepily, and Dean is reminded of when Sam was just four or five years old and sick. He chuckles at the similarities, and Sam blinks up at him.

“What’s so-- so funny…hehh…”

Sam’s eyelashes flutter and his breath hitches. Dean hurriedly grabs the Kleenex, and Sam clamps one over his mouth and nose.






“It’s going to be a long day.”


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Awwwww!! It's Sammy! He's so SO cute, especially the way you write him. I can't get enough!

I loved this! It made me laugh!

“Thought you said tea was for girls,” he croaks.

“It is,” Dean chuckles, then ducks as a purple box comes flying in his direction.

And your drawing was so unbelievably adorable! His cute little tissue box and his cute little pink cheeks! I'm in love.

I actually loved Frail. It was weirdly the cutest thing ever. I don't know... a tiny Sam, with a little teeny sneeze? It's giggle-worthy. :innocent:

Aw, and Similarities! So darn adorable. My favorite=Dean comparing grown-up sick Sam with wee sick Sam. Or just grown-up Sam with wee Sam at all. Cause he's my baby, and I guess he's kind of Dean's baby, since he practically raised him. Aw, and the picture! Dean looks so cute, helping his little brother! And I melted when Sam interrupted Dean saying "Gesundheit". It was actually perfect.

So... thanks. I love you!

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Awww, so many nice sneezy Sam drabble plus awesome drawings... OMG, is it my birthday today???? *checks calender* Nope. But feels like it!!!

I liked best 'Frail' - a tiny sneezy Sam? 100% :wub:. But the others are great as well! Love a teasing Dean and Sam being so sneezy he almost can't talk! LOVELOVELOVE!

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I cant believe I haven't come in here and told you how much I *lovelovelove* this! It must be all the hockey affecting my brains...

Purple - You know purple is my fav colour right? So automatically this fic is awesome. Because purple kleenex boxes are awesome. The only thing that would be awesomer, would be a purple bandana.... *whistles*...

Frail - This is just brilliant. How do you come up with this amazingly creatively awesometasticrificness?? Small!Sam kind of makes me happy in a perverse way. That, and that Dean is being incredibly awesome!brother even while freaking out.

Similarities - The drawing is just wonderful here. I can just see Jared having that exact expression.. Is it Jared or is it Sam? I don't even know anymore... Anyway this fic was really cute too. I love big-brother-in-charge!Dean. And you don't even step a toe out of character.

By the way, all your drawings are awesome. Not just the one I commented on explicitly. I love all of Sam's different plaid shirts, especially the blue one. If that's not based on a real shirt from an episode IT BLOODY WELL SHOULD BE. 'Cause it's a great colour for him!

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Awwwww!! It's Sammy! He's so SO cute, especially the way you write him. I can't get enough!

I loved this! It made me laugh!

“Thought you said tea was for girls,” he croaks.

“It is,” Dean chuckles, then ducks as a purple box comes flying in his direction.

And your drawing was so unbelievably adorable! His cute little tissue box and his cute little pink cheeks! I'm in love.

I actually loved Frail. It was weirdly the cutest thing ever. I don't know... a tiny Sam, with a little teeny sneeze? It's giggle-worthy. :winkkiss:

Aw, and Similarities! So darn adorable. My favorite=Dean comparing grown-up sick Sam with wee sick Sam. Or just grown-up Sam with wee Sam at all. Cause he's my baby, and I guess he's kind of Dean's baby, since he practically raised him. Aw, and the picture! Dean looks so cute, helping his little brother! And I melted when Sam interrupted Dean saying "Gesundheit". It was actually perfect.

So... thanks. I love you!

Youuuuuuuu make me so incredibly happy :wub: I LOVE YOU TOO. Thank you!!

Awww, so many nice sneezy Sam drabble plus awesome drawings... OMG, is it my birthday today???? *checks calender* Nope. But feels like it!!!

I liked best 'Frail' - a tiny sneezy Sam? 100% :heart:. But the others are great as well! Love a teasing Dean and Sam being so sneezy he almost can't talk! LOVELOVELOVE!

You are too awesome ;) Thank you thank youuu!!

I cant believe I haven't come in here and told you how much I *lovelovelove* this! It must be all the hockey affecting my brains...

Purple - You know purple is my fav colour right? So automatically this fic is awesome. Because purple kleenex boxes are awesome. The only thing that would be awesomer, would be a purple bandana.... *whistles*...

Frail - This is just brilliant. How do you come up with this amazingly creatively awesometasticrificness?? Small!Sam kind of makes me happy in a perverse way. That, and that Dean is being incredibly awesome!brother even while freaking out.

Similarities - The drawing is just wonderful here. I can just see Jared having that exact expression.. Is it Jared or is it Sam? I don't even know anymore... Anyway this fic was really cute too. I love big-brother-in-charge!Dean. And you don't even step a toe out of character.

By the way, all your drawings are awesome. Not just the one I commented on explicitly. I love all of Sam's different plaid shirts, especially the blue one. If that's not based on a real shirt from an episode IT BLOODY WELL SHOULD BE. 'Cause it's a great colour for him!

Purple! It's a great color. Possibly my second favorite, because I REALLY love the color red. Mmmm, now you've got me imagining purple bandanas being used for sneezy purposes...

Okay, so I thought I was the only one who like...I mean, tiny!Sam, it's weird right? But also cute. IDK. There might be more of it later, and when I say might I mean there is :laugh:

I WEIRDLY LOVE DRAWING SAM'S PLAID SHIRTS. It's not even really plaid, it's cartoon-plaid, or something. But still.

In conclusion, THANK YOU. You rock so hard. :heart:

Aww, that last drabble was so adorable! :heart: You write sneezy!Sammy so well. :innocent:

Thank youuuu!!! I'm so happy that you liked it!!

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Purple! It's a great color. Possibly my second favorite, because I REALLY love the color red. Mmmm, now you've got me imagining purple bandanas being used for sneezy purposes...

... I have one....:winkkiss:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Purple! It's a great color. Possibly my second favorite, because I REALLY love the color red. Mmmm, now you've got me imagining purple bandanas being used for sneezy purposes...

... I have one....:innocent:

;) I feel like purple bandanas should happen in SPNland, really. It's a manly color, right? ^_^

A/N: Sorry if this seems choppy. I woke up wayyy early this morning, and just had this idea in my head, so I wrote it down really quick and then typed it up. It looked so much more impressive in my notebook:P

Prompt 59: Annoying

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 188


Sam’s just falling asleep when Dean sneezes for the millionth time. Loud, wet sniffling follows, filling the silence in the Impala where they’re sleeping for the night.

“That’s getting annoying,” Sam grumbles sleepily from the front seat. He’s answered with a loud, exaggerated cough from the back, and he spins around in his seat. “If you keep that up, I’m going to sleep in the trunk,” he snaps.

“If you dond’t shut up, I’b goigg to shove you idto the trugck,” Dean replies before sneezing again. “Huh-ETSHchoo!”

“Oh my God.” Sam gets out of the car, and Dean sits up with a start, listening as Sam goes around and opens the trunk.

“What the…?”

He hears the trunk door slam, and second later, Sam’s wrenching open the back door. Something lands in Dean’s lap, and then Sam crawls back into the passenger seat and squirms around until he’s semi-comfortable.

“Take the damn medicine.”

There’s a beat of silence, and then Sam hears the glorious sound of Dean opening their first aid kit, then various bottles of medicine, and after, Dean clears his throat noisily. “You’re too bossy.”

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“If you keep that up, I’m going to sleep in the trunk,” he snaps.

“If you dond’t shut up, I’b goigg to shove you idto the trugck,” Dean replies before sneezing again.


Ohhhh, I Like!

Sam sure can be a bossy bitch, right Dean? But I love him like that! Wanna see MOOOOOOAAAAR!!!!

... No, I'm not addicted! I do not have problem! Why???

*off to read again*

... Okay, maybe I am addicted - but how not to be if you write awesome stories like these lovely little drabbles????

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Squee! Updation! That was adorable. I love how Sam's irritated with Dean's cold, it's way too cute. :P I thought for sure he was actually going to sleep in the trunk. I was gonna say, "Damn. Dedication." :) Awesome as always!

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Lol, I have a mental picture of giant Sam attempting to fold himself into the trunk now.

This was ADORABLE.

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... You know, I think I might have to bring out the purple bandanna. But only for special occasions like birthdays. :blushing:

Anyway back to the commenting at hand:




No, that's it.

It's perfect. It's snarky and sneezy with just a dash of nervous horror that Sam is going to do something nasty to his brother, like all real siblings imagine, but with that shiny coating of caring instead.

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these are all too cute for words *explodes*

urm...does anyone know where i can find cas, sam, dean sneeze fics? Sorry!

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Oh Sam, I so feel your pain. *shakes head at Dean's ridiculousness*

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