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Sneeze Fetish Forum

27jaredjensen's drabble thread [56/101]


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A/N: I got this insane idea for a story yesterday, and I wasn’t near my computer so I wrote this down on a receipt (tore that sucker up into teeny tiny pieces :D) and it’s over 100 words, but drabblish, so…yeah. (And surprise, more allergic Sam...)


The field is full of yellow wildflowers, tall grass that almost reaches their waists in some spots. Sam has a map; he points them due North and they start walking, side by side, silent. They aren’t fifteen minutes in when Sam comes to a stop, lets loose with a shuttering sneeze than makes him stumble forward a step.


Dean makes a sound that could be a laugh, but he doesn’t say anything. They keep walking, and when Sam sneezes again, it startles them both.

“Huh-HPSHSH! Htchsh-CHOO!”

“Jesus, Sam. Are you okay?”

Sam’s sniffling into the sleeve of his jacket, and he turns to face Dean with watery eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” His reply is strained. He begins to walk again, his long legs carrying him far enough that Dean has to jog a little to catch up. He keeps his mouth shut, but by the time they reach the middle of the field Sam is sneezing so often, Dean can’t help but start to worry.

Compared to what they’re used to, they’ve exerted very little energy, so Dean is surprised when Sam squats down and pulls a water bottle out of his backpack. His breath is coming in short gasps, and he won’t quit rubbing his nose.

“Dude,” he pants up at Dean. “Think I’m allergic to this field.”


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Hi 27JaredJensen,

I'm sorry I haven't replied in a while o.O

I just read like a million of your drabbles in a row,

and now I'm trying really hard not to drool all over my keyboard.

You are awesome. *imitates drunk Dean*

I wanted to wish you a nice anniversary :P :P

I know you hear that a lot,

but thank you so much for writing all of this <3

I wish I could tell you something more intelligent or

coherent, but I'm not able to build a proper sentence anymore.

Allergic Sam. Sneezy Dean. Both of the Winchester-Boys sick.

Gnnh... *__*

I love you.

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OMG. That was AMAZING! :drool: Sam is AWESOME!!! Gosh I can't wait to read War of the Sons! You just make my craving for that book and my own DVR that much more!!! When I record Supernatural downstairs my dad always deletes it...just like he deleted ALL of my Invader ZIM!!! *is mad*

I can't stay mad when I'm reading your drabbles. *is happy again* Thank you for being awesome and biff*!

*Biff=Extremely awesome beyond comparison in the Speech of the Leoplauradon

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I'm a little bit behind replying to your awesome drabbles - but here it is!!







*grins, drools, does the happy dance*

:) - nothing more to say. You wrote my favourite thing - Sneezey Sam! And so wonderfully! I. Am. In. LOVE!!!!!!

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Ya think?


Hee:) Thansk for reading!!

Hi 27JaredJensen,

I'm sorry I haven't replied in a while o.O

I just read like a million of your drabbles in a row,

and now I'm trying really hard not to drool all over my keyboard.

You are awesome. *imitates drunk Dean*

I wanted to wish you a nice anniversary :twisted::laugh:

I know you hear that a lot,

but thank you so much for writing all of this <3

I wish I could tell you something more intelligent or

coherent, but I'm not able to build a proper sentence anymore.

Allergic Sam. Sneezy Dean. Both of the Winchester-Boys sick.

Gnnh... *__*

I love you.

Aww, love :twisted: Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed them:)

OMG. That was AMAZING! :drool: Sam is AWESOME!!! Gosh I can't wait to read War of the Sons! You just make my craving for that book and my own DVR that much more!!! When I record Supernatural downstairs my dad always deletes it...just like he deleted ALL of my Invader ZIM!!! *is mad*

I can't stay mad when I'm reading your drabbles. *is happy again* Thank you for being awesome and biff*!

*Biff=Extremely awesome beyond comparison in the Speech of the Leoplauradon

Yay, glad you liked it:) Thank you!!

I'm a little bit behind replying to your awesome drabbles - but here it is!!







*grins, drools, does the happy dance*

:twisted: - nothing more to say. You wrote my favourite thing - Sneezey Sam! And so wonderfully! I. Am. In. LOVE!!!!!!

Hee, thank you!

Aww, my precious, allergic!sneezy!Sammy. :twisted:

Thanks for reading!!!

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Prompt 25: Mistake

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 238

A/N: Happy belated birthday Talon Winchester!! Sorry I failed at posting this on time:)


When Sam opens his eyes, it takes him a second to realize that he’s in a bed. He hears a familiar voice; somewhere across the room, Dean’s on the phone, talking with someone who might be a witness. It has to be early- it’s still dark outside- and Sam doesn’t even know why he’s awake. His head feels as though he’s underwater, and he lets the strange, murky sensation pull him into nothingness.

He doesn’t remember falling back asleep, but suddenly Dean is shaking him awake, jerking him from a dream filled with fire, dark shadows and cold, fuzzy memories that don’t completely disappear from his mind no matter how hard he presses his fingers against closed eyelids.


Dean’s leaning in close, sunlight flooding through the window behind him. Sam blinks against the blinding brightness as his sinuses prickle. Dean looks at him expectantly, but when Sam tries to say something, all that comes out is a sneeze.


Sam makes the mistake of trying to sit up, but it causes his head to spin and his chest to tighten. He coughs hard, looks up to see Dean piling an assortment of medicine next to him.

“Just a cold,” he mumbles, his voice thick with congestion, but Dean is pressing the back of his hand to Sam’s face and murmuring something about a fever.

He falls asleep again to more muddled dreams of people he can’t save.

Prompt 86: Teacher

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 120

“So, what are we going in as? Janitors? Teachers?”

Dean drops the fast food bag onto the table, shrugs out of his jacket. He’s still got one arm in his sleeve when he starts coughing, and he sticks out his free hand to brace himself against the wall.

“They’re not going to get a sick substitute to replace a sick teacher, Dean.”

“I’m not sick,” Dean growls as he sinks into the chair and reaches into the bag to pull out a burger. Sam would almost believe him, if it weren’t for his bright red nose and scratchy voice, and the sneezing that came every few minutes like clockwork.


“Maybe you’d blend in better in the nurse’s office.”

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YAY update!!!! :cryhappy: I so need this right now!

Awww, poor Sammy muffin! Sick and achy and disorientated (:heart:) and dreaming about people he could save... for some reason this reminds me of the third season... ;) .

OMG, clicked the wrong icon, had this first: :angelsad: Got a Cas in your reply... :lol:

'Teacher' is really great! That's me - :rofl::lmfao: - while I'm reading it. Love Sam's suggestion: The nurse office.... Gosh! Why do I have to think about Sam looking hot in a nurse outfit (HOTH maybe???)? :drool: Rather distraced by my very mind tonight....

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“Maybe you’d blend in better in the nurse’s office.”

Hnuh. :omg::lol:

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I've been on 'vacation' for a week and I haven't been able to check this at all! House hunting is harder than it sounds. That was the BEST birthday present EVER! It totally brightened up everything! Thank you so much!!!

I actually figured out what my siggie might be if I ever get to that when I'm a full member! It's from Stephen King's book, The Dark Tower, The Gunslinger:

The rain in Spain falls on the plain

There is joy and also pain,

But the rain in Spain falls on the plain

Time's a sheet, life's a stain

All the things we know will change,

And all those things remain the same,

But be ye mad or only sane,

The rain in Spain falls on the plain

We walk in love and fly in chains,

The planes in Spain fall in the rain

*something sneeze related*

Spark-a-Dark, where's my sire? Will I lay me? Will I stay me? Bless this camp with fire.

*something sneeze related*

Just thought I'd let you know because I said something about it earlier...your siggie...still WAY awesome! It's so cool, I died and came back just to see it!

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YAY update!!!! :cryhappy: I so need this right now!

Awww, poor Sammy muffin! Sick and achy and disorientated (:heart:) and dreaming about people he could save... for some reason this reminds me of the third season... :wub: .

OMG, clicked the wrong icon, had this first: :) Got a Cas in your reply... :lol:

'Teacher' is really great! That's me - :rofl::lmfao: - while I'm reading it. Love Sam's suggestion: The nurse office.... Gosh! Why do I have to think about Sam looking hot in a nurse outfit (HOTH maybe???)? :lol: Rather distraced by my very mind tonight....

LOL! Hello Cas! Heee. Also, Sam in a hot nurse outfit = YES. Yes yes yes. Times a million.

Thank you thank you thank you!!

“Maybe you’d blend in better in the nurse’s office.”

Hnuh. :heart: :heart:

Hee. :heart:

I've been on 'vacation' for a week and I haven't been able to check this at all! House hunting is harder than it sounds. That was the BEST birthday present EVER! It totally brightened up everything! Thank you so much!!!

Your signature sounds cool:) Did I tell you that mads3rv3r was the genius behind mine? She sooo rocks.

I'm glad you liked it!

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A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY telltale!!!!!!!!

Prompt 61: Bike

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 144

A little boy rides by on a bike. Dean watches the wheels spinning and tries not to think about the similar motion that seems to be happening in his stomach. He catches Sam’s gaze, realizes that he has stopped walking. It’s so cold out he can see their breath. He sniffles, pinches the bridge of his nose while he digs around in his pocket for a napkin.

“We don’t have to do this today,” Sam says, handing him a crumpled Kleenex. “We’ve got time.”

With the Kleenex in hand, Dean gives in to the sneezes that he’s been fighting off.

HtchSHOO! HRRCHSHUH! Heh-ehhh-htCHUH!”

When he looks up, there are two Sams in front of him and the ground is moving, but he shoves the Kleenex into his pocket and looks around for the Impala.

“We don’t have time, Sammy. We have people to save.”

Also, I started writing this drabble using the word Pathetic, only to realize that I had already used that word. Silly me.

The fever makes his skin feel hot, like he’s sunburned, but as soon as he tosses off the quilt he can’t stop shivering.


His whole body shudders with the powerful sneeze and he’s trembling and god, he must look pathetic right now. He tries to breathe through his mouth, because his nose won’t stop itching, and he doesn’t want to sneeze again. It hurts too much.


Sam’s voice comes from somewhere and Dean jerks upright. So much for not sneezing again.

HuptchSHOO! Ow. Sab?” He swallows hard, presses the heel of his hand against nose and realizes he might need a Kleenex.

“Yeah, what do you need?”

Dean swallows again, sniffles, tries to stop shaking. Sam’s voice is soft, so far-away sounding that Dean can hardly hear him, but it doesn’t matter because a second later there’s a Kleenex floating in front of his face. As he’s blowing his nose, he feels Sam pulling the quilt back over him, and he can’t even bring himself to care that his little brother is tucking him in because he’s warm again.

“Try to get some sleep,” Sam’s not-as-distant voice says, and Dean closes his eyes, drifts off to a cool hand on his clammy forehead.

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That was TOTALLY biff! I loved it! If you

don't remember, biff=awesome in the language of the leoplauradon! It was so amazing that I had to wait until I was comfortable before I could read 'em. This is something I only do when my favorite TV shows are on. You have received a high honor my friend! Oh, my friend Zero says hi! I told her that I was reading amazing fanfiction by a person named 27jaredjensen (I didn't tell her it was sneeze fetish related because I haven't told her) and she told me, "Whoa! So cool! Me and my brothers [George, Paul, John, and Ringo] say hi to 27jj! Oh! Oh! Every time you post a comment to them, tell them Happy Crimple for me!" George, Paul, Ringo, and John are Zero's imaginary brothers, and YES, she did call you 27jj :D That was Zero's amazing comment from beyond the worlds, er, from her mind or mouth... whatever. So, till next time, 27jj.

Happy Crimple!

Talon :wine:

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Aw, thanks for the b-day wishes. :innocent:

I love these, especially the second one, because feverish!Dean is just... mmmm. You're awesome!

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:) I... uh. :) *Blinks* Oh, yes. That's right. I love you. These are fantastic as always. :):nohappy: Man, I practically pass out every time I visit this thread after being away for too long!! :lol: Gaaah, can I try to pick a couple of favorites without listing them all???

"Chocolate" was like the cutest thing ever. It made me think allllll the way back to Sam in "Provenance", and Dean being all proud when he finally goes for the girl. And all of his allergy suffering is worthwhile in this one!!! Gaaaaah death by cuteness of every variety. Sneezy Sam.Kittens.Girl seeing how hard sneezy Sam is trying. ;):)

The unnamed one with the yellow wildflowers. :) Because nothing says allergy attack like yellow wildflowers. I love the way Dean reacts to Sam's sneezes and the way Sam keels over at the end... haha, allergic to the field!! I love my poor baby. :heart:

And the deliriously clueless sick drabbles are also some of my faves. I love reading that sort of hazy confusion and h/c as well as writing it. :dead:

So once again, thank you so much for being epic!!!! :lmfao:

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Dean-who-can't-stop-shaking makes me happy. And desperately-battling-not-to-sneeze-but-ultimately-failing Dean. And Sam with Kleenexes in his pockets and with cool hands on Dean's forehead. Gnargh, so much gentleness and helplessness and vulnerability and stoicism all at once.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That was TOTALLY biff! I loved it! If you

don't remember, biff=awesome in the language of the leoplauradon! It was so amazing that I had to wait until I was comfortable before I could read 'em. This is something I only do when my favorite TV shows are on. You have received a high honor my friend! Oh, my friend Zero says hi! I told her that I was reading amazing fanfiction by a person named 27jaredjensen (I didn't tell her it was sneeze fetish related because I haven't told her) and she told me, "Whoa! So cool! Me and my brothers [George, Paul, John, and Ringo] say hi to 27jj! Oh! Oh! Every time you post a comment to them, tell them Happy Crimple for me!" George, Paul, Ringo, and John are Zero's imaginary brothers, and YES, she did call you 27jj :laugh: That was Zero's amazing comment from beyond the worlds, er, from her mind or mouth... whatever. So, till next time, 27jj.

Happy Crimple!

Talon :innocent:

Aww, thank you so much for reading!!

Aw, thanks for the b-day wishes. :heart:

I love these, especially the second one, because feverish!Dean is just... mmmm. You're awesome!

You are awesome...er... :heart:

:lmao: I... uh. :lmao: *Blinks* Oh, yes. That's right. I love you. These are fantastic as always. :drool::startrek: Man, I practically pass out every time I visit this thread after being away for too long!! :lol: Gaaah, can I try to pick a couple of favorites without listing them all???

"Chocolate" was like the cutest thing ever. It made me think allllll the way back to Sam in "Provenance", and Dean being all proud when he finally goes for the girl. And all of his allergy suffering is worthwhile in this one!!! Gaaaaah death by cuteness of every variety. Sneezy Sam.Kittens.Girl seeing how hard sneezy Sam is trying. :lol::sillybounce:

The unnamed one with the yellow wildflowers. :omg: Because nothing says allergy attack like yellow wildflowers. I love the way Dean reacts to Sam's sneezes and the way Sam keels over at the end... haha, allergic to the field!! I love my poor baby. :heart:

And the deliriously clueless sick drabbles are also some of my faves. I love reading that sort of hazy confusion and h/c as well as writing it. :heart:

So once again, thank you so much for being epic!!!! :blushing:

You totally rock:) Thank YOU for being so epic!

Dean-who-can't-stop-shaking makes me happy. And desperately-battling-not-to-sneeze-but-ultimately-failing Dean. And Sam with Kleenexes in his pockets and with cool hands on Dean's forehead. Gnargh, so much gentleness and helplessness and vulnerability and stoicism all at once.

I'm glad you liked all those things!! Thank you :heart:

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DID YOU ALL HEAR ABOUT SUPERNATURAL?!? Season 7, baby! Also, happy 27th:) I feel like this drabble should be happier, but it's not.

Prompt 94: Weather

Fandom: Supernatural

Character: Dean

Word Count: 100

A/N: Set after Swan Song

Dean turns on the TV, mutes it before he remembers he doesn’t have to keep quiet for anybody. The weather forecast comes on, and the itch that’s been lingering in his sinuses intensifies as temperatures flash across the screen, recedes when the satellite picture shows rain for everyone. He sniffs hard, and the air makes his nose tingle but brings no relief. He grabs a tissue from the box on the nightstand, blows his nose. It causes him to sneeze, and he stifles it into the sleeve of the hoodie he’s wearing, one that he stole from Sam long ago.

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So cute, with Sam's hoody ... and sad!!! Poor Dean ... man, I need to watch season 6 ...

I don't think I've said how much I love these drabbles for a while? Love these drabbles! ;)

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Aw aw aw! SO sweet and sad!

I LOVE your drabbles! Seriously, I went ahead and read EVERY SINGLE ONE and I'm in love. Wayyy in love. You literally make me so happy! Thanks billions and trillions for making my life. :laugh2:

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:) Awww, weather is soooo sad - kinda break me! But so awesome as well! I REEEEEEEEAAAAAALLY like your drabble - So don't worry you can use prompts two and more times - I would be more than happy to read :)
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