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Sneeze Fetish Forum

27jaredjensen's drabble thread [56/101]


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YAAAAAAAAYYYY!! Great way to start my morning. Loved the second one best (naturally), with the power of the puppy dog eyes being used on Sam! That's a new one.

Hee thank you!! I was totally thinking of you when I wrote it!!

I do like the mild angst in the first one!

But I especially love the puppy eyes used on Sam. And the little girl's energy. :shutup:; Sam's such a good guy. If a cat were sitting that close to me... well, let's just say it wouldn't be.

Haha yeah, my pathetic attempt at angst...glad you liked it though! And I think Sam would totally give in to the puppy eyes:) Thank you!!

OMG I love #48. Poor Sammy! Please torture him more!

Thanks so much!! And soon, I promise!!

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big fan here altho Im not able to comment as often as I would like. im a sam-girl but do love me some dean as well. thanks so much for these great lil fics

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big fan here altho Im not able to comment as often as I would like. im a sam-girl but do love me some dean as well. thanks so much for these great lil fics

Hey!! Thanks for stopping by to let me know that you liked these:)

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A/N: This drabble is a missing scene from BDABR, after Dean does his adorable I’m-Batman deal:)

Um. This is possibly the third sneezy-situation I have put Sam in for this episode. There are just so many opportunities.

I also have some sneezing-powder-sneezy-Dean (that is also a sequel to the other drabble I did earlier) that I completely forgot to post, so that is coming soon.

Prompt 67: Raincoat

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 100

“Why’re you all wet? Forget to wear your raincoat again?”

“Ha ha. Can you just untie me?” Sam sniffles miserably, shakes his head a little, and drops of water fly from his hair. His chin drops to his chest as Dean works at his bindings.

“They hurt you anywhere?” Dean asks, and Sam shivers. He opens his mouth to tell Dean that he’s fine, but his breath hitches.



Dean frowns, finishes untying Sam. Sam doesn’t stand up right away, and when Dean leans down to help him up, he almost gets a faceful of snot.


“You suck.”

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This = WIN.

My favorite episode, and perfect mixture of Dean being concerned and being Dean. Ha.

Anyway. I secretly stalk you and love everything you write. In a non-creepy way. *Stops being a lurker*.


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This = WIN.

My favorite episode, and perfect mixture of Dean being concerned and being Dean. Ha.

What she said. :bicycle:

So true-- BDABR has so much potential. Realizing this makes me love that episode even more than I already do, which I didn't think was possible.

I just realized that I hadn't commented on the two drabbles before this! Love 'em. I think it's sweet that Sam automatically thinks of Dean when he gets sick at Stanford. Just can't let to of his big brother. :artist: And puppy eyes getting used on Sam? YES. Especially love how he ends up with dog fur all over his hand. Poor boy. Heh. Torture him some more, please. Thank you. Seriously. :laugh:

ETA- Oh oh oh and I'm really looking forward to the second installment of the sneezing powder story! The original is one of my very favorites from you. I find it playing in my head all the darn time. :eat:

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This = WIN.

My favorite episode, and perfect mixture of Dean being concerned and being Dean. Ha.

Anyway. I secretly stalk you and love everything you write. In a non-creepy way. *Stops being a lurker*.


YAY for de-lurking!! Welcome. I'm excited. And it's such a great eppy- beside all the fanfic possibilities, we get actual scripted nose-scratching from Sammy :heart:

Anywho. Thank you so very much!!

This = WIN.

My favorite episode, and perfect mixture of Dean being concerned and being Dean. Ha.

What she said. :lmao:

So true-- BDABR has so much potential. Realizing this makes me love that episode even more than I already do, which I didn't think was possible.

I just realized that I hadn't commented on the two drabbles before this! Love 'em. I think it's sweet that Sam automatically thinks of Dean when he gets sick at Stanford. Just can't let to of his big brother. :heart: And puppy eyes getting used on Sam? YES. Especially love how he ends up with dog fur all over his hand. Poor boy. Heh. Torture him some more, please. Thank you. Seriously. :)

ETA- Oh oh oh and I'm really looking forward to the second installment of the sneezing powder story! The original is one of my very favorites from you. I find it playing in my head all the darn time. :razz:

Mmmm, that episode makes me happy:) Annnnd you make me happy! :heart: THANK YOU!!

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Prompt 15: The End

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 200

A/N: Sam’s revenge for Misplaced (#7): “Aashch-uh. HutshCHOO! Etchugnh. Heh-hetchsh!”

Dean reaches into his pocket, pulls out the packet of sneezing powder, dangles it in front of Sam’s twitching nose.


Sam sneezes, furious as Dean holds up the little packet of powder in front of him.

His hand shoots out lightning fast, but Dean’s fast too, and it ends up with each of them clutching the small packet, both determined not to let go. There’s a few seconds of struggle, and Sam can feel the paper ripping in their hands, so as quickly as he latched on, he lets go.

Dean flies backwards, caught off guard, the powder erupting all over him as Sam continues to sneeze helplessly.


“What the-


“-hell did you-“


“-do that for?”

Dean backs away, eyes wide and streaming, hand clamped over his nose.

“I t-told hertch-uh! Told you that th-thi- ihhtchshoo! This prank thing is st-stu-stuhhh…”

“Fuck you, Sam,” Dean rasps, pinching his nose shut. “Oh, god, that burns. Shit.”

“Fugg you, Deand.” Sam glares back.

“HHhh-” Dean gasps into cupped hands, bends forward with a thunderous sneeze. “HRTSHCH-hoo!”

Both of them are helpless to do anything but sneeze for a long time after that, but eventually, the sneezing gives way to miserable sniffles. When they’ve both recovered, they come to a decision.

They’ve finally reached the end of the prank war.

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Oh my god YAY. :drool::laughbounce: This is hot and funny all at once. I could totally see this happening, since Sam's pissed off by the gags. This reminds me of Sam and Dean wrestling after the Trickster let the air out of the Impala's tires in Tall Tales. And I totally did a mental happy dance when Sam let go of the packet and sent Dean flying. :P

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The possibilities of this episode are endless. This is a really fun place to put it, too!

Prompt 67: Raincoat

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 100

“Why’re you all wet? Forget to wear your raincoat again?”

“Ha ha. Can you just untie me?” Sam sniffles miserably, shakes his head a little, and drops of water fly from his hair. His chin drops to his chest as Dean works at his bindings.

“They hurt you anywhere?” Dean asks, and Sam shivers. He opens his mouth to tell Dean that he’s fine, but his breath hitches.



Dean frowns, finishes untying Sam. Sam doesn’t stand up right away, and when Dean leans down to help him up, he almost gets a faceful of snot.


“You suck.”

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:drool: I really, really need to watch this show...GAH! YOU MAKE ME WANT TO SOOO BADLY! But it's not on instant play on Netflix and I've been too lazy to look beyond that so far...but ohhh....your drabbles...I almost feel like I wouldn't like the show because you're not one of the writers for it, so there wouldn't be any sneezing. Sam seems to be my favorite so far...my goodness, I love when you update your thread! [more incoherent babbling]
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Gaaaah! These are soooooo good!

I read them all in one run right now ;)

You are supposed to be a Supernatural writer for Season 6!

Then there's hope for all of us !

Oh how I wish they would have played this prank with the sneezing powder.

And BDABR is one of my favourites, too!

Aww, till now I was a hardcore Dean girl,

but thanks to you I love Sammy even more.

They are both so adorable,

and you characterize them so great <3

Your drabbles (and fics of course) are DIVINE!

I'm sorry I didn't comment earlier...

Wow, I really adore you.

(In a good way, don't worry :lol:

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I...have...no words....


Thank you!! Your lack of words is awesome enough:)

Oh my god YAY. :unsure::laughbounce: This is hot and funny all at once. I could totally see this happening, since Sam's pissed off by the gags. This reminds me of Sam and Dean wrestling after the Trickster let the air out of the Impala's tires in Tall Tales. And I totally did a mental happy dance when Sam let go of the packet and sent Dean flying. :P

Ahhh, the Sam and Dean wrestling scene...one of my faves:) So glad you liked it!! Thanks!

The possibilities of this episode are endless. This is a really fun place to put it, too!

Thank you!!!!

:bleh: I really, really need to watch this show...GAH! YOU MAKE ME WANT TO SOOO BADLY! But it's not on instant play on Netflix and I've been too lazy to look beyond that so far...but ohhh....your drabbles...I almost feel like I wouldn't like the show because you're not one of the writers for it, so there wouldn't be any sneezing. Sam seems to be my favorite so far...my goodness, I love when you update your thread! [more incoherent babbling]

Yes, WATCH IT!! Its soooo good. You will love it!! (And YAY for Sam being your favorite so far:) He's mine too!) Thank you!!!

Gaaaah! These are soooooo good!

I read them all in one run right now :)

You are supposed to be a Supernatural writer for Season 6!

Then there's hope for all of us !

Oh how I wish they would have played this prank with the sneezing powder.

And BDABR is one of my favourites, too!

Aww, till now I was a hardcore Dean girl,

but thanks to you I love Sammy even more.

They are both so adorable,

and you characterize them so great <3

Your drabbles (and fics of course) are DIVINE!

I'm sorry I didn't comment earlier...

Wow, I really adore you.

(In a good way, don't worry :)

Thanks so much!!!!!! It's awesome of you to stop by and read these!!

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Prompt 35: Breath

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Dean, Sam

Word Count: 100

A/N: I have no idea where this came from…

Dean gives up trying to stay warm in the Impala. He finds Sam digging around in the trunk.

He shivers, catches a sneeze in chilly hands.

“Heh-ETCHSH-uh! What are you doigg?”

Dean can see his breath.

“Bless you. Found it.” Sam emerges with a scarf.

“What’s that?”

“A scarf.”

“How’s that supposed to help with- KTCHCHshoo! Ugh. That?”

“Jess got it for me at Stanford.”

“Red’s dot by color,” Dean mumbles, but he takes the scarf, wraps it around his neck.

Sam decides not to point out that his Stanford hoodie Dean’s got on under his jacket is also red.

Prompt 36: Miserable

Fandom: Supernatural

Character: Sam, Dean

Word Count: 100

A/N: I do know where this one came from-- someone awesome, who you may know as mads3rv3r:)

Ktshch-uh! HETCHshoo!”



“Okay, buddy. Sammy’s not really a cat guy, so…” Dean reaches down, picks up the feline. “Back in your cage.”

“Wh-why…kptch-uh! Hihh-hitchshoo! Why’d you let it out?” Sam scrubs wildly at his nose.

“How would you like being kept in a cage all day?”


“Exactly. Go change your clothes.”

“N-not my fault he got himself turned into a c-cahh…Hihh-ishchoo! HETCHshoo!”

“Guess I’m ganking this witch on my own.”

Sam glares at the cat, miserable. “Or we could let him loose in the woods.”

Dean grabs his keys.

“Take a shower. I’ll be back with antihistamines.”

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DUDE. Loved that last one. You didn't mention who got turned into the cat though, I'm curious :unsure:

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It's the love-Sam-up cat! I don't know why but I love Dean letting it out because he feels sorry for it being cooped up - something about his sympathy for the cat, plus his sympathy for Sam in putting it away, plus the visual of him picking up something warm and furry and living and talking to it.

Sneezy Dean plus protective Sam-with-a-scarf, dressing him and telling him to keep his sick ass in the car and trusting him with his special Jess-clothes... gahhh. :heart:

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DUDE. Loved that last one. You didn't mention who got turned into the cat though, I'm curious :P

:heart: Thank you! B) You know, I don't really know who the cat was...my brain was to focused on the sneezy!Sam part. I guess it would have made more sense if I had explained that...oops!! Um, maybe its Bobby, or Cas, or...yeah, I have no idea. But thank you!!!! Glad you liked it:)

It's the love-Sam-up cat! I don't know why but I love Dean letting it out because he feels sorry for it being cooped up - something about his sympathy for the cat, plus his sympathy for Sam in putting it away, plus the visual of him picking up something warm and furry and living and talking to it.

Sneezy Dean plus protective Sam-with-a-scarf, dressing him and telling him to keep his sick ass in the car and trusting him with his special Jess-clothes... gahhh. :heart:

Thank you thank you:) For some reason I think that Dean-with-a-cat would be really adorable, like in the same way Sam-with-a-puppy would be really adorable.

MEOW. aha, for some reason that amused me! I lovelovelove these. c:

Heee:) :laugh: Thank you!!

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OHHH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool:

SO PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!! :dribble::drool::hyp:

Thank you soo much for all of these, they are so cute!!!!!!!!!

All of the Sammy one's are ADORABLE, and though Dean is not my favourite, I cannot deny that he is gorgeous too! :wub:

You definitely know how to make people melt, and I cannot believe I was idiot enough not to read these before!! :P

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please continue!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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