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Thanks again, you (and Becky ;-)) make my day! So Becky did not feel like going out on an after-work party that Thursday, all dressed up in a short sleeveless, strapless minidress despite the icy cold, even going bare-legged to underline her health? Well, probably Friday night, then :-)

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  • James (ellamalaka)


  • The Sneezster


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  • cool_lissy


Lissy, you have so many interesting ideas -- have you thought about posting a story of your own here? I'd be interested in reading what you have to write.

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Hey loyal cold fetish fans! I had to go out of town on work and still have some trips in my immediate horizon. I only use 1 computer for this forum and my compositions so that there is no search history on machines that I use for work. As such, I can't add updates while I am on the road. In the meantime, enjoy this update.

Note: I've seen the feedback by fans and I am incorporating your suggestions in future installments. If you haven't seen something you like just yet please sit back and keep reading, it will appear in time.



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“I’ll be fine, I won’t end up sick in bed”


In the deep blue-black darkness of the early morning, poor Becky had fallen into light slumber. She’d been tossing and turning all evening, unable to breathe, her nose getting fully stuffed now that her body was horizontal. She blew and blew at her nose and sneezed and sneezed into a growing mound of tissues aside her bed but her nose and head were just filling up more and more. Her room was only lit by the little standby lights on her electronics: three blue lights on her computer, a red light on her charging phone, and another on her dvd player. The room was quiet but Becky was making a gurgled snoring sound.

Becky was unaware that she had fallen asleep. Now running a fever and exhausted, everything had a bleary detached quality in the near darkness of her room. In her mind she saw the room again, just as she had all night, her nose stopped up and her head hurting with congestion. This time the room was distorted and angled incorrectly and someone was standing by her bed.

“You’ve caught a cold, haven’t you,” the woman standing in front of her said. Becky saw herself standing in the room, dressed in a black teddy and stockings, looking dead-sexy and powerful. The tone of her voice was taunting and derisive.

“You got sneezed and coughed on and now you’re sick,” Domme Becky continued. “The cold you caught isn’t little, in fact, this is just the beginning of your misery.”

“I’m not sick,” was Becky’s strangled reply, her throat sore and her voice quiet.

“Good. In order to make this cold as bad as possible you need to deny that you’ve caught it,” responded Domme Becky. “You need to keep working and going out, staying out and sneezing and coughing on everyone you can and insuring you end up in bed. Because I want you in bed!” Domme Becky finished with lust in her voice

“But won’t I get a lot of people sick?” sick Becky asked in her quiet voice

“That’s the idea, honey. Spread your cold and cough around and make your own cold as bad as possible. Quite frankly, I want you to keep going until you have a cough so bad that you’re barking and you completely lose that sweet voice of yours. Can you help me with that?” Domme Becky asked, a purr in her voice.

“But I’ve never lost my voice before,” was sick Becky’s feeble reply.

“Bing!” said Domme Becky with glee. “The sneezy cold you’re going to wake up with is just getting started. But we can do better. Let’s make sure you get a cough by the time you get home. And maybe a hoarse voice?” She plied.

“But I don’t want to get sick,” Becky resisted.

“I know, honey, and that’s what makes it so desirable. I want you to deny that you’re sick until you get sent home to bed. Then I’ll be here to…” she trailed off, “well, not take care of you, but at least enjoy the show you put on.”

“I’ll be fine, I won’t end up sick in bed,” said sick Becky again.

“Of course you won’t,” said Domme Becky with w wink. “And now time to wake”

Becky sneezed herself awake, a triple fit that shot thick snot on her pillow.

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oh man james, you know just how to push everyone's buttons dont you!? ಥ‿ಥ people purposefully spreading their germs is one of my very favourite things!

i just can't wait for her date with violet, too~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds very promising - Becky going to any conceivable lengths to deny being sick, er, of course she is not, and she will prove that she is healthier than ever :-)

@The Sneezster

Thank you very much for your kind words. I would like to, but unfortunately I only have so much spare time in RL :-(. Maybe things get better some day. And James does a very good job anyway ;-).

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I'm a huge fan of this story. I just love so many things about it I almost don't know where to begin! If I must pick something I like even more than the rest it has got to be the "trying to get as sick as possible and sneezing/coughing on everyone" element, you do this in a fantastic way. Thank you for posting this wonderful creation.

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This story is pretty much the best thing ever- it's amazing. I've reread it like six times. I would pay you to write, ohmygod. clapping.gif

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Thanks for standing by, cold fans. More updates over the next few days :)


“Dear Head Cold…”


“Ugh,” Becky was surprised by her congested groan. “Not sounding so hot, Becks,” she said to herself, hearing the mature sound of her cold on her voice, stopped up and congested, even a little deep. She blew her nose again, filling a tissue and then three. Then the third triplets of sneezing attacked her nose and sore throat. <ARGCHOO!ARGCHOO!*snort*AHARGCHOO!>

Never in her life had she heard herself make such noise. Her sneezes, which had been fluid and breathy affairs the evening before had become fiercer and deeper sounding. It wasn’t simply a nose tickle any longer, she felt like she was sneezing from her chest and throat up to her nose. Her throat ached when she swallowed and even when she didn’t. Her nose wasn’t runny, it was clogged like her face and even now her throat was getting that way.

The good news for Becky was that she didn’t have any obligations until work this evening and then tonight so she had all morning to nurse her cold and get back to perfect health. The bad news was that she had nothing for a cold and was even running out of tissues.

How nice it would be to call a friend right now and explain that she’d been feeling a little under the weather and ask if she could bring over a few things for a cold. But Becky would only think about such things as she dressed in sweatpants and t-shirt with matching zip-up jacket, pulled her hair behind a silver headband, and swooshed out the doors towards the drugstore that was just 3 blocks down the street.

Becky was fine and keeping her target in mind but she was freezing out in the morning weather. She was running a temperature in the high 100’s before she left but going out in the wind dressed like she was ensured she came home running a 101 fever. She didn’t sneeze out in the cold wind until she was nearly to the drugstore, then the triplet set overcame her and she was left blowing into a tissue. Walking in Becky ducked down the nearest aisle and covered her face, turning away from everyone and poorly stifled a congested triple-fit. She was breathing heavy from it out her mouth and wiping her nose as she rounded the end of the aisle and headed for the cold and flu medicine.

Becky grabbed pills, cough drops, rub for her chest, tissues, and a bar of chocolate. Her mission was nearly complete and she’d only had the one sneezing fit in the store. She hadn’t seen anyone she knew.

As she stood in breathing congestedly out her mouth with her nose clogged, finally wiping at it fruitlessly, she realized that her cold had decided it was time for her to sneeze again. Becky didn’t want everyone around to hear her gross, congested triple fit of sneezes.

Becky closed her eyes and tried to avert the fit of sneezes in her snotty head. “Dear Head Cold,” she began thinking to herself, “I think maybe I caught a little bit of you.”

Nothing else went through her head as the congested coughing fit tore out of her frame, sending three sneezes towards the women in line and the one working behind the counter. They looked at her but seeing the darkness around her eyes and the armload of cold medication realized that she was just another victim of the season.

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“I’m barely going to be able to stand up by the time I get home tonight.”


So Becky had managed to get her fever up over 101, her throat more sore than ever, and the congestion that had taken over her head was now filling her throat and chest. But she had cold medicines and proceeded to use them all liberally. She blew at her nose, filling tissue after tissue. She took a long hot shower and breathed steam. She spread vaporub on her chest and sucked on coughdrop after coughdrop.

All morning and most of the afternoon she nursed at her cold and tried to clear her head. It didn’t work. In fact, by the time Becky was getting ready to go to work she felt and sounded worse than ever. It was 2 pm and Becky’s throat felt like tiny swords were poking it and she was worn down from running a fever all day. She wanted to crawl into bed but here she was about to go to work. Her triple fits of congested sneezes quite honestly sounded like something that should not be taken out of her bed, much less to work. In the last hour the tickle in her sore throat had made her clear her throat more and more and now she was coughing a little bit to clear it.

She sounded completely stopped up and congested when she talked. She had a full-on cold sound in her voice that could not be cleared, and had even gotten worse into the afternoon. She had a rather uncomfortable “routine” to her cold. She’d usually start by clearing her throat which would provoke a tickle there and she’d have to cough. Becky had started out coughing one or two hacks this morning but was up to mostly a string of three now. After the cough the tickle would move up and she’d sneeze a congested triple sneeze that left her breathless and clearing her throat again just to be able to talk clearly which meant congested-sounding and full of cold.

Her routine went on about every five minutes or so unless it was provoked by talking, breathing hard, or any other distraction that would tickle her throat and get her to coughing.

As she slipped the straps of her soft satin bra over her shoulders she decided to test her voice in the bathroom mirror, one last time. She cleared her throat, coughed a fit of three hacks, sneezed three times, blew at a nose that was already completely full, and cleared her throat again before addressing herself.

“Becky, you’re not the kind of girl to catch cold,” her voice was deep and full of a cold and she frowned at the sound. She sniffled, running her hand under her nose. “Ugh, I am sick. This is the worst cold I have ever caught.” And then inside she thought, “I’m feeling awful this afternoon and if this cold gets any worse I’m barely going to be able to stand up by the time I get home tonight.”

Becky wore slacks, flats, and a green silk blouse to work. She had no coat and sneezed and coughed miserably outside in the weather.

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Thanks loyal viewers! I've had some time back home so you all get more serial. Enjoy!


“I wish I was at home”


Any outside observer would have immediately noticed how miserably sick Becky Lawrence appeared on Friday. If you had shopped for lingerie at the department store you would have seen and heard her clear her throat, have several fits of hacking coughs, sneeze in fits of three, and blow her nose. Her nose was bright red and inflamed and her eyes were dull and lifeless. When she spoke to you it would be with a stuffed up voice that was deep and a little scratchy. She was sick, it was undeniable.

Stephanie was behind the counter hacking her cough and clearing her throat. “Hey girl,” she waved as she collected herself. Her voice was getting back to normal but it was still thin and scratchy. This wasn’t a normal shift for Steph and Becky assumed correctly that Rachel was at home, sick in bed. Rather than respond to Steph’s greeting Becky just waved back and made for the bathroom. Inside she blew her nose and went through a coughing fit, clearing her throat.

For some reason, she’d believed that she’d look better when she got to work but her eyes were raccoonish with red pupils and her nose looked like an inflamed, soggy mess. There was a deep fever flush in her cheeks and across the top of her chest. “Well, here goes nothing,” Becky said to herself in the mirror. The cold sound in her voice was overwhelming.

“Thank you and I’m hoping my voice comes back this weekend,” Steph said handing over a bag of purchases to the customer.

“Well, how are you Becky?” she used her hoarse voice to address the newest sick girl in the store.

“Fine,” was her clipped response, trying her best to keep the cold sound out of her voice.

“My voice is coming back, but this cough is still hanging around,” continued Stephanie, and then gave a fit of the coughs into her fist to demonstrate. Her cough was still pretty big but now productive.

“That’s nice,” Becky said, the cold sound very obvious now.

Stephanie could see how ragged Becky looked. There were lines of pain and distress on her forehead and around her dark eyes which were red. There was a flush in her cheeks, too. “She doesn’t look like she’s feeling well today,” she concluded in her head and decided to leave Becky alone for awhile. It wasn’t but a few minutes before Becky began deep sniffling at her nose. The sniffles persisted. They grew.

Becky ran to the bathroom as triple fit of sneezes blasted from her nose and mouth. Stephanie saw it but customers had come into the store and she was busy. “Ohhh, she’s sneezing, too,” thought Stephanie to herself. “Poor Becky has come down with a cold,” she concluded.

When she came back up front Stephanie was still busy and other customers required her attention, too.

“May I help you?” she winced at how congested her voice was and sniffled. Soon she was directing people around the store in her cold voice and sniffling to keep her nose from running. She’d fought her cold all afternoon with various medicines and symptom relievers even as it got worse and settled into her head and throat. Now she was on her feet and using up what little strength she had left. Stephanie coughed across the store and Becky took the chance to cough herself. Her throat was full of sore and she was certain her cold was spreading down there.

“I wish I was at home,” Becky thought to herself as a tickle threatened and she knew she’d be forced to sneeze on the two ladies she was helping.

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“It was time to call Violet”


What an evening! Becky honked her nose loudly in the car, coughing as her throat itched.

“You sound awesome, Becks,” she said aloud with a groan. She’d tried to keep from talking in the early part of her shift out of fear that someone might hear her stuffy voice and conclude that she had a cold. Oddly, she’d actually talked more towards the end. Her throat was really sore by then and she’d developed a chesty cough that loudly sounded through the store.

“Going home sick, poor girl,” she said again as a chesty coughing fit overcame her. It was strange but she kind of liked the way her extremely sore throat was making her voice sound. She wasn’t just stuffed up sounding now when she talked. Her voice had actually been getting deeper as her cough got worse and towards the end of the night it actually started to break when she said certain words. Talking like this was always accompanied by a chesty coughing fit and a wince at her sore throat.

“I can’t believe my voice is getting hoarse,” she said hearing the strange deepness of her voice and giving a harsh squeak as she said ‘hoarse.’ Becky had to admit that she found losing her voice pretty sexy and that it was going to be hard not to keep talking. In fact, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to call Violet and confirm their plans for tomorrow.

Becky had a lengthy coughing fit as she scampered from the car inside her apartment. The fits were still getting longer. Inside she shivered. She’d been doing that most of the evening as her body was ravaged by fever. The coughing fit that followed was another lengthy affair.

“Becky, you better not lose control of your cough,” she gave herself a playful chiding in her hoasey voice. It squeaked on ‘cough.’ As if in response another fit overcame her. She pulled off her clothes and bra shivering down to her panties and put on her puffy robe. More coughs followed. She collapsed in bed before the realized that laying down made her head fill up more and inspired more coughs.

Becky got back up and walked to the kitchen on her exhausted legs. The drink of water didn’t refresh her sore throat or quiet her cough. She didn’t know what to do. She felt terrible and wanted to lie down but couldn’t due to her cold. And was it a cold now?

“I’m Becky Lawrence and I caught a cold,” she said to the darkness of the kitchen in a matter-of-fact way. Or as matter-of-fact as she could with a hoarse voice that squeaked on ‘Becky’ and ‘cold.’

What an evening at the Lingerie store! It was a feverish blur now but Becky knew she’d had an obvious and (by then) bad cold. She denied how she sounded and looked and sneezed and coughed all evening. And towards the end of the night all that denial had earned her a hoarse voice and a big cough.

Becky endured a sneeze fit that bent her in half, then a coughing one that left her breathless. Inside her robe she felt her phone as she replaced the tissues from a congested noseblow. It was time to call Violet.

Edited by James (ellamalaka)
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Oh yes. Loving this. It cracks me up the way that Becky is turning herself on. She's practically masturbating with her voice!

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You all make it super easy to find the time, energy, and creativity to keep writing.


“Becky had blown her nose, coughed, cleared her throat, and then punched Violet’s picture in her phone book”


Violet Holiday took in the surroundings of Normandy, a popular bar on the corner of University and Magnolia Avenue. It was still early but the line of eager blondes was rapidly moving from outside-in. She was with a group a friends but had really only agreed to go to keep a few of them from stumbling home at the end of the night with a guy they just met. She was a caretaker, after all. She was also kind of hoping she ran into Becky and she knew the Lingerie Sales Girl frequented this bar. She felt warm inside at the thought of Becky’s sniffles from the other day and her staunch denial of catching any cold. Maybe this really was her lucky weekend?

Behind the bar the tall brunette sneezed, her long brown hair completely doing a loop over her head and falling forward. That was Kendra, the bartender who was usually here. She was allergic to some perfumes and often sneezed like that while she was working. They were dry allergy sneezes but Kendra was cute and flipping her long hair like that was always a welcome treat.

“Blesses,” Violet yelled over the din of music and conversation. Kendra shot her a smile back as she poured vodka into a glass. All of her friends were in perfect health. There would be no cold sniffles for her to coo over tonight. Once seated with their drinks the conversation settled into a comfortable affair with many laughs and good feelings around. She left her phone on the table when we went to the bathroom.

Back at her apartment an ailing Becky had blown her nose, coughed, cleared her throat, and then punched Violet’s picture in her phone book. The call connected and it rang. Again. And again until Violet’s voicemail picked up. Becky hit end immediately and sat her phone down.

Back at the bar Violet’s phone had lit up vibrating on the table. Ann looked over at the screen and saw that Becky Lawrence was calling. The phone went through the notification routine until the voicemail picked up and it turned dim.

“You missed a call,” Ann said to Violet when she returned. Violet slid her phone open and saw the missed call with a picture of none other than Becky next to it. “Wow,” she said inside, hoping her surprise wasn’t too evident.

“I’m going to call her back,” Violet had explained almost running from the table. So many thoughts were racing through her head now. What was the purpose of this call? Had she actually caught cold as Violet had interpreted the sniffles to mean the other day? Maybe she hadn’t. It seemed rather uncharacteristic for a girl like Becky to “share” her cold with someone else. She seemed like the type that would hide it as much as possible. Maybe she was calling to cancel? Maybe she was glowingly well and at another bar and wanted to meet up? Maybe she was dreadfully sick and her fever was making her do strange things?

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“Becky knew she was going to sound a little strange on the phone”


Violet hit the button on her phone to call Becky back leaving a fingerprint on the face. She could hardly contain herself and felt weak in the legs. It didn’t really matter why Becky had called, Violet wanted to hear from and speak to this object of her appreciation and respect. The call connected without issue and she waited to hear the first ring.

On several occasions Violet had considered a rash act that would make her appreciation known to Becky. She’d thought of asking for a bra fitting and then hopefully the intimacy would flow from their physical closeness. She’d even imagined what it would be like a few times but in her thoughts it was always Becky who needed the bra fitting and Violet was forced to go over her chest with excruciating detail. Becky usually offered to model many of the bras sold in her store. In short, it was unrealistic schmaltz. Girls didn’t get hot and heavy with each other over bra fittings.

Frequently her fantasies with Becky were informed by certain cold fetish fiction that she read and enjoyed. She’d even tried her hand at writing a few but found the process laborious and she was unable to properly inject the sort of real feeling that caretaking invoked within her.

<brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt> the ring sounded

Violets breath was short with expectation. She’d even harbored some fantasies of actually getting sick from taking care of Becky and being abused a bit for it. She imagined Becky making teasing fun of her for taking care of her and catching her cold. Something about the role-reversal was quite titillating.

Sadly, if Becky had indeed caught a cold then she was probably past the contagious stage. That was usually in the beginning for a cold or when fever was present. The day to catch it off her had been when she’d invited Becky to the concert. Those liquid sniffles had enough eager germs in them to knock Violet over and leave her sniffling and sneezing for a week. Outside of some unbelievable act like licking Becky there was no way to access the germs.

“How considerate,” she thought with a narrator’s tone, “she kept her cold to herself.”

And if Becky was running a fever tonight then she’d probably come down with something dreadful, more than just a cold. The sort of something that required a girl like Violet at her side helping her with tissues and medicine, all while gently feeling the burning hotness across her forehead, gently, gently with her outstretched hand. But that wasn’t mere fantasy. Something awful HAD been going around at school. It started out like just a cold but ended up with coughs that could be heard down hallways and voices that couldn’t be heard at all.

<brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt> the ring sounded again. Was she going to pick up?

Becky looked over at her vibrating phone which had lit up. She sat up a bit in the recliner, holding her fist over her mouth as she coughed.

<uh-uh-hmmmm> she cleared her throat painfully while holding a hand on her upper chest. It seemed to scrape in her throat and it didn’t clear the swollen feeling inside. Becky knew she was going to sound a little strange on the phone.

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