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“Does she need a prescription filled?”


Becky felt an immediate connection with Violet, despite being embarrassed by her illness. This girl had seen her at her worst and offered her a smile and a hanky. She took it gently but Violet could feel wetness from Becky’s sneeze get on her own. She began cleaning herself, face, hands, then chest. She blew at her nose a little bit but it remained clogged and the effort caused her to cough again, the tell-tale bark showing up.

“What did you need to get?” Violet asked as Becky got control of the fit. The sick girl didn’t want to tell her but she was quick to respond.

“Oh, uh,” her hoarse voice chirped and she cleared her throat,” I just um,” she began again her hoarse, lustful sounding voice continued. Violet was melting just listening to it. “I need some t…t…” but her voice chirped badly before she could say it and she went off into a coughing fit.

“Tampons?” Violet offered.

Becky gave a hoarse, hitchy giggle and said, “no, tissues,” she said holding up the hanky. Her hoarse voice squeaked but she maintained her words before coughing again.

They walked through the automatic doors side-by-side. Violet could hear how congested Becky’s breathing was. The cough hit again and Violet’s heart ached. It wasn’t slowing down.

“What are you taking for your cough?” she asked as Becky was wheezing from the fit.

“My cough?” she squeaked, not really wanting to admit she had a cough.

“Yeah, you have a really bad cough. You’ll never sleep tonight with a cough that bad.”

Becky thought back to her near-sleepless sneeze-filled night the day before and winced. She knew she was facing another night with her cold, this time keeping herself awake coughing.

“Violet…” came the hoarse pleading sound of Becky’s voice. The other girl looked up in surprise, seeing that Becky was near tears. She hugged her quickly, feeling like she’d grabbed part of a sauna with Becky’s body near her. She was burning up with fever and Violet wondered how she could even stand up in her condition. The slumping feverish form leaning on her told her that she wasn’t very well.

“What is it, Becks,” Violet asked in a whisper after listening to Becky take a few congested breaths in her ear.

“I’m really, really sick. Will you please take care of me?” Becky let a floodgate of emotion out with her admission and tears stated falling immediately. Of course, this led to another coughing fit which she smothered into Violet’s collarbone. Violet felt Becky’s wet nose on her neck.

“Becky, I’m going to take care of you. I would be honored to nurse you through this cold,” emotion came out for Violet but kept herself under control seeing as she needed to remain so for her friend.

Violet sat Becky on the bench by the pharmacy. The woman behind the counter heard her awful cough as said to Violet, “does she need a prescription filled?” But Violet had said “no” and moved throughout the aisles. The woman behind the counter heard Becky cough again and said, “she will.”

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Yayyy you updated!! I love how Violet and Becky finally connected in person!! :wub:

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  • 3 weeks later...


“She was shivering from fever.”


She moved quickly, purchasing everything she anticipated needing. Becky’s coughs were coming steady from the one side of the store. Violet cringed each time another fit of barks rumbled her way and stayed tense until they quieted down.” This was not the kind of cough that should be out of her bed at this time of night in winter,” she thought as she filled the small basket and moved to the check-out aisle.

The clerk behind the counter was unusually aware and knowing in her glance as Violet entered the queue. She was about ten years older than Violet and worked a second job at the drugstore in the evenings split with her days as a junior editor for a regional interest magazine called Petal which published essays and contemporary short fiction. Susan Cartwright had worked parttime for Clara’s Drugstore for over 10 years. She’d seen cold and flu season a few times and knew that this year something atrocious was going around. Susan caught her share of colds each winter but over the last few years had taken to playing very coy with her sniffles. She found that trying to avoid colds made those close to her more likely to try and get her sick when they had something. It really pleased her to make grand overtures of avoiding catching something only to have her friend Janet jump from behind a dark doorway and slam two juicy cold sneezes right in her face. Janet was really still just catching the cold and had been sniffling along a sore throat the day before and more runny-nosed and sneezing that day. Susan, predictably, caught a bad headcold from Janet. At the height she stayed completely blocked in the nose day and night despite near contrast blowing and extended sneezing fits. The cold went on for a week and she was left blowing her nose and coughing for a week after that.

“You know, there’s something really bad going around this season and your little friend over there caught it,” she informed Violet as she scanned the items.

“Yeah, I’m surprised she’s gotten so sick, she’s usually a healthy girl,” Violet said.

“Well, I know you’re trying to help out but just be careful,” Susan said and followed up as Becky’s cough sounded from the end of the store, “or you’ll end up sounding like that.”

“Poor girl, I hope I can help her quiet that cough and get her fever down a little bit. She’s burning up,” Violet continued, punching the buttons on the card machine to pay.

“Yeah, you should put her to bed. I wouldn’t want to be out on a night like this with a cough like that,” Susan finished handing the bag of cold care to Violet.

Violet walked carefully over to Becky. The girl was slumped back on the bench at an odd angle her face bright crimson and her forehead sweaty, her arms held around her body tightly. She pulled a fist up to her mouth and coughed again, never opening her eyes. She was shivering from fever.

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Waaaah, just put her in bed, finally. Poor Becky. sadsmiley.gif

Awwww, that's too cute that you feel for the girl.

Part X.LI

“I’ve been taking cough medicine all day”


Violet took her coat off and put it around her friend and patted her back. Becky half opened her eyes as she coughed again, fist to mouth but Violet felt the deflected force of it. She already had a cough drop ready and pushed it into Becky’s mouth with a whispered, “here.”

It was slow going hugged tightly to Becky as the sick girl coughed and coughed. She was coatless and shivering herself out in the darkness of the snow covered town. And here she was practically getting coughed on. Now she could smell the cherry of Becky’s cough drop each time her friend coughed, covering her mouth slightly with a hand or usually the back of her wrist.

They’d made some small remarks to each other, Violet quite stunned by how deep and throaty and scratchy Becky’s voice had gotten. Her voice was squeaky and prone to small periods of silence. It was after a particularly squeaky sentence that cascaded into a bigger coughing fit that prompted Violet to ask about Becky’s cold.

“I’m really sorry to have to say this but you sound just awful,” she said tentatively.

“Well, I feel awful, too” she squeaked back before coughing.

“Who did you catch it from?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. A lot of girls are sick right now. Everyone who works in Lingerie has had this,” explained Becky.

“When did you start to catch it?” she queried.

After a second to think, and feeling Violet’s closeness on the topic she decided that it was no coincidence that Violet was taking her home, sick. Something inside her told her that Violet liked the way she treated colds and it was time for them to connect on a new level.

“Well,” she began, her voice lusty and hoarse, “I had maybe caught some sniffles the other day when we were in class together. Not a cold, mind you. I wasn’t sick. I was just, you know, maybe starting to catch cold,” she said, emphasizing every word just the way Violet loved it, her voice deep and hoarse from a bad cold and finished with a coughing fit that was chesty and barking.

“So you went from just the sniffles to all this?” Violet asked with surprise.

“Yeah, going to work each day made my cold a lot worse. I should have stayed at home,” Becky coughed again.

“Well, I’m going to take care of you now,” Violet consoled as Becky slumped her head over on her shoulder and whisper a husky “thank you”

They walked with their arms around each other Becky coughing until they reached her home and she unlocked the door letting them in. A blast of super-warmed air hit Violet immediately from the home. Obviously, Becky’s fever had compelled her to turn up the heat.

While Becky stayed bent over with a coughing fit at the door Violet turned on a lamp and began opening various packages. The cough medicine was the most important and she’d poured a serving that she offered just as Becky recovered from the fit.

Becky swallowed it but offered a sad and hoarse, “I’ve been taking cough medicine all day and my cough is still this bad.”

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Part X.LII

“Violet reached out to feel Becky’s forehead for the first time.”


Becky Lawrence tried to clear her throat but the effort proved throat wrenchingly vain as it had for several hours now. There was no clearing her throat of the mountain of congestion blocking her voice leaving it low and hoarse and now that her cold was worsening, squeaky and broken in places. She’d gotten her cough quieted for the moment and wanted to lie down.

Taking Violet’s coat off and handing it to her she said, “I need to get out of these clothes. My feet are soaked,” her voice voice squeaking over ‘clothes’ and ‘soaked.’ Violet realized that her own feet were wet but she was more than warm in Becky’s home. Becky simply started taking her clothing off, fever and exhaustion making her oblivious to Violet’s eyes. She was wearing matching pink lace bra and panties from the store. Violet took in the sight of Becky’s curves, by no means small, by no means big, wrapped in the soft lace. Becky started coughing again and ran to her bedroom pulling on her puffy, floor length white robe and dashing in the bathroom to pull tissues and give her nose repeated honking blows.

Violet heard Becky honk at her nose, the blows clearly producing wet tissues. Of course, blowing her nose made her cough again and Becky’s chesty cough was loud coming from the bathroom. She felt in the pocket of her coat for the hanky that was wet with Becky’s cold. Her lace hanky. The one with a “V” embroidered on it. It was positively soaked from Becky’s nose. She grasped it lovingly as Becky started honking at her nose again.

Another painful throat clearing followed before Becky snapped the light off and reappeared in the entryway. Putting a hand to her upper chest she said, “oh my gosh, I cannot believe that my little nose could produce all that. And it is completely clogged again!”

“You have about the worst cold I’ve ever seen a girl catch,” Violet admitted.

Becky offered a wry smile and husked, “well, I hope you give me an award for catching the worst cold,” but her voice squeaked and went whispery towards the end making it hard to hear. It made her cough and she covered her mouth with a fist.

“How about we get you to bed?” She asked.

“Please,” Becky pleaded in as good a voice as she had. Rather than go to her bed she lay on her couch and pulled blanket over herself. Violet pulled more blankets from the bedroom and added them to Becky’s form. The girl smiled feeling the addition. She was still coughing but being on her couch with Violet nearby was already warming her insides.

Violet reached out to feel Becky’s forehead for the first time. She anticipated it being hot but she could even feel heat before she touched skin. Becky didn’t stir at the touch as Violet put her hand full upon her forehead, feeling her fever. Tentatively she put her lips to Becky’s forehead and placed a tiny kiss upon it.

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She felt in the pocket of her coat for the hanky that was wet with Becky’s cold. Her lace hanky. The one with a “V” embroidered on it. It was positively soaked from Becky’s nose. She grasped it lovingly

May I just say that this is an incredibly hot scrap of prose. All those contagious contagious viruses just begging for a new nose to call home. Violet's next!

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She felt in the pocket of her coat for the hanky that was wet with Becky’s cold. Her lace hanky. The one with a “V” embroidered on it. It was positively soaked from Becky’s nose. She grasped it lovingly

May I just say that this is an incredibly hot scrap of prose. All those contagious contagious viruses just begging for a new nose to call home. Violet's next!

Violet is going to end up trembling like a dew covered flower before this is all over with..


“Not just my nose now”


Violet returned from the kitchen, cough syrup in hand. Becky was sitting up on the couch blowing her nose into a tissue.

“Now this is as much of this as you should have,” she said holding up the red serving of the viscous medicine. “It seems like you’re going to cough your head off no matter how much you take.” But Violet immediately felt bad about saying it because she could see Becky’s tired face grow red from embarrassment. Becky’s cough fit broke the moment.

Still, Becky was feeling akin to Violet despite her impulse reactions. It was almost as if her voice being so altered was another person and she could say things while she was hoarse that couldn’t usually. Of course, the fever and excessive cold medicine may have been a contributing factor but when she listened to herself talk she felt very different than normal.

“Did you know I was catching cold in class the other day?” her hoarse warm tones sought out Violet.

Violet thought a second, looking beyond Becky to the wall where an oil portrait of a woman who looked like Becky hung. Violet guessed it was her mother or grandmother. “Becky,” she finally began, her own voice failing her a bit, “I have… admired you from a distance for awhile,” she stared at the painting as she spoke. There was a lack of response from Becky but when she looked down at the girl she realized she was being overcome by a sneeze. Becky’s face was scrunched up and her hand was over her hand and nose, her head titled back prepared. Her nose twitched once and the show started. Three dreadful sneezes which barked in Becky’s chest and sent mucus all over her hands and face. The spray was immense, covering everything around.

Violet found herself unable to act. Becky was so helpless and taken by the big sneezes. She’d never really heard sneezes quite like those, either, very congested and barky like her voice. Becky sat, mucus hanging from her nose and hands. Finally Violet lunged forward, her hanky out again but only so she could cup Becky’s mess and hurry her to the bathroom. She heard Becky’s breath catch and she started coughing as they hurried. Violet turned on the hot water all the way and Becky stuck her face down in the sink, washing herself. Violet stood watching clutching her handkerchief in one hand and patting Becky’s back. She blew her nose in the sink repeatedly, coughing between. She'd hold one nostril shut and blow and blow into the sink, her face straining, then switch sides and do the same. When she stood up and dried herself with a hand towel she said, “look, my nose is completely stuffed again,” and she tried to sniffle but couldn’t get any air through her nose.

Violet resisted the urge to kiss Becky’s nose but she did speak the words she wanted when she said, “your poor nose is just full of cold.”

Becky smiled this time instead of blushing and rasped a “Not just my nose now,” and patted her chest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your stories are absolutely AMAZING! I always came back to read them, especially the first one, before I even made an account on here. I just love the way you write!! :)

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Your stories are absolutely AMAZING! I always came back to read them, especially the first one, before I even made an account on here. I just love the way you write!! smile.png

I'm going to keep writing and updating, I've just been a bit tied up with other things the last few weeks.

My attention has turned to the next major story arc which I think will center on a pink-haired tough girl who goes "cold catching" in order to win the heart of a conservative and caring friend. Anyone interested in intentional cold catching?

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Your stories are absolutely AMAZING! I always came back to read them, especially the first one, before I even made an account on here. I just love the way you write!! smile.png

I'm going to keep writing and updating, I've just been a bit tied up with other things the last few weeks.

My attention has turned to the next major story arc which I think will center on a pink-haired tough girl who goes "cold catching" in order to win the heart of a conservative and caring friend. Anyone interested in intentional cold catching?

Until then I'm completely interested in reading what I haven't yet on this post of yours. The heat is keeping me awake long enough to have tons of free time, and being new here is giving me a lot of work to do indeed lol.

Intentional? You'd better believe it! Go for it.

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Ela, dear, intentional cold catching ("stealing a cold") is one of my favorite pastimes. There is a woman I work with who catches one or two colds a year, and every time, I do my best to steal her cold. She has the most adorable colds, and she would never think of staying home with them. I'll wait until she takes her break, and then I sit at her desk, handling the phone, her pen, the keyboard and just about everything she's touched, and I pick the freshest, dampest tissues from the garbage to rub in my nose and eyes and to sniff. To help the cold gain a foothold, I'll deliberately get chilled and go a full day and night without sleep. I don't catch cold very easily, but if I'm lucky, I'll manage to grow a full-blown cold while she's still in the midst of hers. That way, I can sniffle, cough and sneeze alongside her, while she apologizes for giving me her cold, and I can bring my cold into work, too, to show off.

Edited by The Sneezster
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  • 4 weeks later...

Part X.LIV

“Not at all. I’ve never even been hoarse”


“So, did you notice I was catching cold the other day?” Becky’s asked again in all her hoarseness. The two girls had gotten comfortable in the living room again, Becky laying under a mound of comforters, still shivering on occasion.

Violet chose her words carefully. “I… I could tell you had, you know, maybe… caught some sniffles. I mean, it seems like everyone is catching something.”

“Tis the season,” Becky rasped with a smile. Violet returned it.

“I didn’t think you had a cold, of course,” Violet finished.

“Well, I was catching one. I was trying to hide my sniffles but my throat was already sore. I didn’t want to admit it but I was getting sick,” Becky finished, coughing.

“Who did you catch it from?” Violet queried.

“I got sneezed on the other day by a woman who said she’d caught a cold at work. She didn’t have a chest cold, though, so I wonder where all this,” Becky motioned above her upper chest, “came from.”

“And how about your voice? Was she hoarse, too?” Violet probed further.

“Not that I remember. Maybe she just gave me her head cold and I caught the chest cold at work. Almost everyone there has been left coughing and voiceless over the last week,” her voice squeaked and whispered at the end and she balled a fist to cough.

Violet waited for the fit to subside before adding, “Do the colds you catch usually go to your chest?”

“I don’t catch cold!” Violet said with her old indignation but she was cut off by another cough. “I really don’t,” she continued, “I’ve never had more than the sniffles and certainly never a chest cold like this”

“Well, you really caught yourself bad one this time, didn’t you?” Violet said with a smile.

“I did, and I’m glad you’re here to help,” Becky returned the smile again.

The two chatted for nearly an hour about things that had gone on between them, Becky’s chesty cough never letting up. She sneezed a few more of the ugly triple sneezes that were so messy but each time Violet helped her cover her nose and blow afterwards.

“I bet I got a few girls sick today at work,” Becky said, returning to the cold topic. But this time her voice failed even worse and she had a hard time getting her words out at all.

“Your voice is getting worse,” Violet observed.

“I know, and my throat is throbbing,” was her rasped reply.

“Have you ever lost your voice before?” Violet asked.

“Not at all. I’ve never even been hoarse,” Becky said, holding her throat.

Violet thought about how bad Becky’s voice was getting and that she probably wasn’t going to be able talk by the time they woke in the morning, even with the hoarse rasp she had this evening.

“I’ve lost mine a few times but I was always really sick when it happened,” Violet told.

“Well, I’m really sick now so we’ll see if my voice survives.”

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I love this story! Did I mention that? :-) Still wondering though how little Becky would dare to wear with her tremendous cold and fever if she dressed up for a wintry night out with Violet - probably she would still like to show some skin for the sake of looking fashionable. I think, despite feeling really sick, Becky would nevertheless like to take her cold out to the bar to show it off to her friends, and possibly make them sick coughing and sneezing inadvertently all over them ;-), telling them, her voice failing her with another barking dry cough, her body shivering visibly with goosebumps on her bare arms, legs, and shoulders, that her mild sniffles and little cough could by no means be attributed to her style of dress ;-) If I remember rightly, Becky and Violet have an appointment for a concert on Saturday anyway :-)

Keep it up!

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Awww - wonderful. I wonder where you had the inspiration for the voice-lost from. ;) Looking forward to more about Betty and Violet. :)

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You guys are grand, enjoy!

Part X.LV

“…my voice is gone”


The sound of Becky’s cough jolted Violet awake again. It was well after 3am but Becky’s cough had kept the two girls up most of the night.

Violet noticed that the barkiness of Becky’s cough was getting worse hour after hour. This present fit was long and almost all barks now. She was too tired to do anything except fall back asleep.

Becky had fallen into a slumber from a combination of sheer exhaustion and too much nighttime cold medicine. As she expected, Domme Becky pranced into her room to taunt her.

“Well, well, well,” she began pointing a finger, “you sound absolutely miserable. Your cough is scaring your little friend.”

“I like Violet,” Becky offered, her voice raspy.

“Do you like her enough to give her your cold?” Her dark subconscious asked.

“Please, I’ve been coughing on her all night. She doesn’t stand a chance.”

It was after 5am and Becky and Violet had slept fitfully when the sick girl started on her longest string of coughs yet and they were purely barking now, her cough had completely changed from a chesty hack the day before. Violet had run to the kitchen to get water as Becky barked in the living room. She blew her nose afterwards honking into several more tissues that she tossed to the floor. “Thanks, Vee” she tried to say but her voice was nothing more than a pale whisper now. The effort of passing air through her horribly congested chest and clogged sinuses provoked the barking cough again.

“You’re barking now, Becky,” Violet said with some alarm.

“I know,” she tried to push out but once again she could only manage a whisper followed by a barking cough.

She was exhausted and feverish and fell back asleep again for an hour. She woke herself and Violet coughing about every hour until 10 when Violet had gotten out of the chair she was sleeping in, put on her coat, and headed to her apartment. She needed clothes and other things to make her stay more comfortable. Becky was asleep when she got back, her congested breathing almost as loud as a lawnmower. She jumped in the shower but heard the deep rumbling barking over the water. It got louder until Becky appeared at the doorway of the bathroom, fist over mouth and barking long fits.

“I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a girl wake up like that,” Violet said over the water. She heard nothing from Becky but a knock at the shower door. She opened it peeking her head out. Becky was there with her eyes barely open, her nose swollen and clogged with a cold and her face flushed with fever. Becky leaned towards her and put her mouth up to Violet’s ear and said in a breathy whisper, “my voice is gone.”

Violet guessed it should come no surprise. Becky’s voice was in tatters the night before, husky and raspy with hoarse all over. She sounded nothing like the sweet girl that she was and now she had a horrific barking cough to go with her whisper.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great story! Can't wait for the for next part. I noticed you sometimes ask people what they like, so I thought I might add my personal opinion- the best parts of this story were the ones with spelled out sneezes and stuffed up voice. I'd be really happy to see more of those.

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