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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you so much for the beautiful Stephen and Mark story! I love them so much! And no problem. The Adam/Blake story is fun to write! I can't wait for your new couple!

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Ah thanks for doing my requests<3 I loved both drabbles :D continue with more:3

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stephab13-Aw, thank you darling!

Sneezelover123-Yay! I’m glad you liked it! I’ll be sure to add some more stifles for you.

NightWolf-Yay! I’m glad you liked it! I hope you like the new boys.

DeathNoteOwner-You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked it.

KendallLuv-Aw, thank you so much! I appreciate it!

Moonkitty.-Thank you! I’m glad you like them!

Prompt: Asleep (The Smiths)

Characters: Loren/Chris (cold)

Author: Rachiella

Character descriptions:

-Loren: Loren is originally from Honolulu, Hawaii and he is studying economics. He works in the school library. He has 2 older brothers (Christian and Patrick) and he is close with his family. His mom died when he was 5 and his relationship with his dad was strained when he first came out when he was 14 but they've long worked past it. He is allergic to dogs and pollen and he has a strong immune system. Loren is 5'10, he has tanned skin, short black hair, dark green eyes and he is very athletic so he has a very toned body. He has 4 tattoos and no piercings. He met Chris through a friend who set them up on a blind date, claiming they would be perfect for each other, sophomore year. One of the first things they bonded over was the fact that both their moms died when they were very young.

-Christopher (Chris): Chris is originally from Columbus, Ohio and he is studying theater. He works as a stage tech. He has a little sister named Melissa and he is close with his family, though his mother died when he was 3. He is allergic to pollen and anything scented and he has a bad immune system. Chris is 5'7, pale, he has brown hair and green eyes. He has no piercings and no tattoos. He met Chris through a friend who set them up on a blind date, claiming they would be perfect for each other, sophomore year. One of the first things they bonded over was the fact that both their moms died when they were very young. He is good friends with Stephen (from other stories) and they have done 4 play together. He is relatively shy (not to the extent that Mark is) but he is quiet when you first meet him.

Loren sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he finally arrived home. He had had an excruciatingly long and annoying day and all he wanted was to come home and cuddle his sick boyfriend. Loren walked into their bedroom and smiled at what he saw. Chris was curled up in bed, fast asleep, with his face buried in Loren’s pillow. Loren sat down on the bed and gently ran his hand through Chris’ hair. Chris sniffled and slowly lifted his head up. Loren smiled and leaned down, kissing Chris’ head softly.

“Hey baby.”

Chris sniffled sleepily before pulling away from Loren’s touch.

Ishoo! Ishoo! Ishoo! Ishoo!

“Bless you babe.”

Chris smiled and yawned before leaning his head against Loren’s chest. Loren kissed Chris’ head and wrapped an arm around him.

“Are you feeling any better hon?”

“Not really.”

Chris sniffled wetly and cuddled closer to Loren’s neck before letting out a loud yawn. Loren kissed his adorably sleepy boyfriend on the cheek. Chris pulled away abruptly.

Ishoo! Ishoo! Ishoo! Ishoo! I…ISHOO! ISHOO! ISHOO! ISHOO!

“Bless you honey.”

Chris sniffled and grabbed a tissue, blowing his nose wetly, before turning back towards Loren.

“How was your day sweetheart?”

Loren smiled and nuzzled his boyfriend’s cheek.

“Better now that I’m home with you.”

Chris smiled and yawned again before pitching forward.

Ishoo! Ishoo! Ishoo! I…ISHOO! ISHOO!

Loren kissed Chris’ cheek again before gently pulling away.

“Lay down and go back to sleep baby.”

Chris smiled sleepily and curled back in bed, burying his face back in Loren’s pillow. Loren smiled and placed a small kiss on Chris’ head.

“Sleep well baby.”

“Love you.”

“I love you too hon.”

Prompt: Ashes To Ashes (Tarbox Ramblers)

Characters: John/Sam (allergies)

Author: Rachiella

Character descriptions:

-Jonathan (John): John is originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and he is pre-med. He works as a cashier. He has 5 older brothers (Michael, Alex, James, Connor and Kyle) and he is close with his family. He is allergic to pollen and dust and he has a good immune system. John is 6'2, he has dirty blond hair, green eyes, he wears thin black rimmed glasses and he has stubble. He has a piercing in his left ear and no tattoos. He met Sam at the library where they literally crashed into each other, freshman year. He is also friends with Julian (from other stories) from class.

-Samuel (Sam): Sam is originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and he is and English major. He works as a waiter. He has 2 older brothers (Joseph and Justin) and he is close with his family. He is allergic to cats, dogs, dust, wool and he is sensitive to smoke and he has a bad immune system. Sam is 6'1, he has short jet black hair, dark, dark brown eyes and stubble. He has an eyebrow piercing and no tattoos. He met John at the library where he they literally crashed into each other, freshman year.

“Do you want a marshmallow babe?”

Sam smiled and nodded at his boyfriend. It was Sam and John’s 2-year-anniversary and they had decided to go on a camping trip for the weekend, just the two of them. John smiled at his boyfriend and leaned forward, kissing him gently on the lips. Sam smiled and nuzzled John’s nose lovingly before his boyfriend pulled away. John grabbed some firewood and threw it in the pit before lighting a match and starting a fire. As soon as the fire began to grow, John sat down and pulled his boyfriend in between his legs, kissing his neck. Sam smiled and leaned back, kissing his boyfriend’s lips, before turning back and enjoying the warmth of the fire. After a moment, Sam’s nose twitched adorably before he pitched forward.

Hepshoo! Hepshoo!

“Bless you Sam!”

Sam sniffled and rubbed his itchy nose gently. John smiled and kissed his boyfriend’s neck lovingly.

“Allergies bugging you sweetie?”

“I think the smoke and ash from the fire is making my nose sensi…Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Ugh! Sensitive.”

John smiled before sticking a marshmallow on a stick and placing it over the fire to toast it. Sam smiled before pitching forward again.

Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Ugh! I hate my stupid sensitive nose!”

“I love your adorable sensitive nose.”

Sam smiled and kissed John’s lips gently as John pulled the stick from the fire. John pulled the stick up to Sam, allowing his boyfriend to bite the marshmallow off the stick. Sam smiled and wiped his mouth before pitching forward again.

Hepshoo! Hepshoo! He…HEPSHOO! HEPSHOO!

“Gesundheit, you adorable thing, you.”

Sam blushed and cuddled close to John’s chest, leaning up to kiss his lips again. John smiled and licked his lips.

“You taste like marshmallow.”

Sam smiled before pitching forward again.

Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo!

“Bless you baby.”

Sam smiled and kissed John’s lips again.

“Happy anniversary baby.”

“You too Sammy.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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I have a question. When you make new characters do you have to write down everything about them on a piece of paper or something?

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Moonkitty.-I don't have to but I do because I use these characters for other stuff besides the forum. I have full sheets for all of them, usually with even more information then I give you guys in these little blurbs.

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Neeehhhhheeeew boys! Awesome!!!

On a side note, what do p you usually 'use' your couples for? I'm super curious!

Also, I have a new request. I want a little group-shot. You've spun so many cool connections between them (siblings, friends, classmates, ...) I'd love to see some of that! Maybe one getting sick in class, being carried home by the friend and then taken care of by his boyfriend. You get my drift ;-)

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DeathNoteOwner-Thank you my dear!

gummiflummi-Thanks darling! I use the boys for a roleplay thing my friends and I do. In our roleplay they aren’t usually sneezy though…I tend to keep that to myself –blush- Also, that request is really cool. I never thought of that. Enjoy it!

Moonkitty.-Haha. Not really. Thank you though.

Hey guys! So, my parents are coming to visit tomorrow and are staying with me for about a week so there may not be any/as many updates this week as there normally are. I will try though. In the meantime, enjoy! Also, I'm looking for some new requests so everyone give me some ideas!

Prompt: House Of The Rising Sun (Animals)

Characters: James/Todd (photic)

Author: Rachiella

James smiled as he woke up in Todd’s arms, the sunshine from the giant glass window shining on his face. The boys had finished their classes earlier in the week and, yesterday afternoon, they had decided to drive to a friend’s unoccupied beach house to spend the weekend together. James’ smiled widened as Todd cuddled closer, tightening his grip around James’ waist and nuzzling into his neck, snoring softly. James tilted his head back and kissed his boyfriend’s head gently before shimmying from his grip and walking to the bathroom. After brushing his teeth and combing his hair, James walked to the kitchen and began to cook breakfast, planning to bring his boyfriend breakfast in bed. He hummed quietly so as not to wake Todd as he fried a couple of eggs and put some bread in the toaster. When he was done making breakfast, he put the food on a tray and carried it in to the bedroom, putting it on the bedside table and sitting down next to his boyfriend on the bed.

“Todd, love, wake up.”

Todd groaned and buried his face in his pillow.

“Don’t wanna. Sleep.”

James smiled and leaned forward, kissing the back of Todd’s neck lovingly.

“Come on sweetheart. I have breakfast for you love.”

Todd’s shoulder tensed slightly, and he lifted his head a bit.

“Fried eggs and toast?”

James smiled and kissed Todd’s neck again.

“Of course.”

Todd sat up quickly, suddenly wide awake in excitement, turning towards the window. As soon as he looked up, his eyes hit the sunlight streaming from the large window and he immediately pitched forward.

Hetchoo! Hetchoo! Hetchoo! Hetchoo! Hetchoo! He…HETCHOO! HETCHOO! HETCHOO!

“Bless you!”

Todd sniffled and grabbed a tissue, blowing his nose loudly. James frowned and put a hand against Todd’s forehead.

“You feeling alright love?”

Todd smiled and leaned forward, kissing James’ lips gently.

“I’m fine baby. It was just the sun.”

“The sun?”

“Yeah. When I see bright lights they can sometimes make me sneeze.”

James smiled and kissed Todd’s lips gently.

“You’re a photic sneezer?”

“Only when it’s really bright.”

James laughed and kissed Todd’s lips again before pulling the tray over.


“Yes please.”

Prompt: Numb (Linkin Park)

Characters: Michael/Chase (cold/flu), Aaron

Author: Rachiella

note: this is for gummiflummi, who wanted a little crossover from the different stories.

Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! He..HEISHOO!

Chase sniffled and used his sleeve to wipe his snotty, runny nose before pulling his sweater as tight as he could against the pouring rain. He had woken up that morning with a sore throat and a runny nose but assumed it was allergies. Unfortunately, he began to feel more and more ill throughout the day until, when he was finally done with class and work, he was forced to walk home without a jacket in the pouring, freezing rain.

Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! HEISHOO! HEISHOO! HEISHOO! HEISHOO!

Chase shivered as snot poured from his nose. He groaned as he wiped his nose with his sleeve, on the verge of tears. He still had almost a mile to walk before he got home and he just felt so horrible. Sniffling wetly, he pulled out his cell phone and pressed speed dial 2, calling his boyfriend. After 4 rings, it unfortunately went to voicemail. Chase hung up and began to cry slightly before pitching forward again.


Sniffling loudly against his profusely running nose, Chase flipped his phone open again and dialed Aaron’s number. After a minute, his friend thankfully picked up the phone.

“Hey Chase.”

Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! HEISHOO!

“Jesus Chase, you okay?”

“I’m si…si…sick and I’m stuck in the rai…rai…rai…rai…rain.”

“Shit Chase, where are you?”

“Near the…Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Near the student building on campus.”

“Okay. Try to get somewhere dry and I’ll be there soon.”

“Thank you.”

Chase hung up and trudged under the awning of a nearby restaurant. After 10 minutes, Aaron’s car pulled up and Chase ran over, climbing into the car, drenched from head to toe.

Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! HEISHOO! HEISHOO!

“Bless you. Here, I brought you tissues.”

Chase nodded his thanks and grabbed a tissue, blowing his nose liquidly, before letting out a string of wet coughs. Aaron pulled Chase closer and put a wrist against his friend’s forehead.

“You’re burning up Chase.”

“I’m free…freezing.”

Aaron turned the heat up and pulled off his sweater, wrapping it around Chase’s shoulders.

“Let’s get you home buddy.”


Michael smiled as he heard the front door open, signaling the arrival of his boyfriend.

“Hey hon. Do you know if we have any…”


Michael frowned as he heard Chase’s harsh, wet sneezes before getting off the couch and walking towards the front door.

“Honey, are you okay?”

“Hey Michael.”

Michael’s frown deepened when he saw his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s friend come into the apartment, soaking wet.

“Hey Aaron. Is everything okay?”

“Your boyfriend’s burning up and sneezing his head off and he got stuck in the rain.”

Michael walked over to Chase and pulled him into a warm hug, kissing his feverish forehead.

“Honey, why didn’t you call me?”

“I did. You didn’t pick up…Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! He…HEISHOO!

“Bless you sweetheart.”

Aaron passed Michael the pack of tissues, frowning at his friend’s state. Michael plucked a tissue from the pack and held it up to Chase’s snotty nose.

“Blow, honey.”

Chase blew his nose before dropping his head against Michael’s chest.

“Don’t feel good.”

“I know sweetheart. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

"I'm freezing."

"We'll get you nice and warm hon."

Michael began to lead his boyfriend towards the bedroom but Chase, in a feverish haze, tripped and almost fell against Michael, but Aaron came up on his other side and steadied him. Michael smiled his thanks at Aaron and the 2 boys led the sick boy to the bedroom. When Michael finally got his boyfriend changed into pajamas and into bed, he walked Aaron to the front door before pulling him into a quick hug.

“Thank you for taking care of him.”

Aaron smiled.


Michael smiled back as Aaron walked out the front door before walking back into the bedroom and lying down next to his sick boyfriend. Chase sniffled and let out a cough before cuddling closer.

“Don’t feel good.”

“I know honey. Try to go to sleep. You’ll feel better tomorrow.”

Heishoo! Heishoo! Heishoo! HEISHOO!

“Gesundheit sweetheart. Are you warming up at all?"

Chase sniffled and rolled over, curling up against Michael's chest.

"You keep me warm."

Michael smiled and wrapped his arms around Chase before kissing his head gently.

"Always Chase."

“Love you.”

“I love you too my sweet, sick baby.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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THAT'S SO KAWAII(cute) gawjus like I can't get enough of this<3

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww kawaii!

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Thank you sweety! Numb was exactly what I had in mind. Awesome drabble!

Have fun with your parents and update soon(ish) :D

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DeathNoteOwner-Aw, yay! I’m glad you like it!


Moonkitty.-Cool idea! Enjoy the story!

secretsneezelover27-I’m glad you enjoyed it!

gummiflummi-Oh good! I was worried it wasn’t what you wanted but I’m glad you like it!

Prompt: Cowboy Take Me Away (Dixie Chicks)

Characters: Daniel/Julian (allergies)

Author: Rachiella

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you.”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you.”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you baby!”

Julian sniffled and blew his nose harshly before groaning. Daniel laughed and kissed Julian’s head.

“Allergies bad today baby?”

“You have no idea. Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO!

“Bless you babe.”

Daniel pulled another tissue out of the box and placed it to Julian’s nose, prompting him to blow. Julian groaned and leaned his head against Daniel’s shoulder.

“There’s so much pollen and dust and grass and trees and…and…HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO!

“Bless you baby.”

Daniel smiled and kissed Julian’s head.

“How the hell did you survive in Texas for your whole life?”


“You’re allergic to everything in Texas! It’s so hilarious!”

Julian shoved his boyfriend playfully before pitching forward again.


“Bless you cowboy.”

Julian smiled and sniffled before cuddling up against Daniel’s chest.

“You’re mean.”

Daniel kissed Julian’s head.

“And you’re gorgeous cowboy.”



Prompt: Break Your Heart (Taoi Cruz ft. Ludacris)

Characters: Morgan/Nate (cold)

Author: Rachiella

note: this is for Moonkitty.

Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo!

Nate sniffled and blew his nose before cuddling back under the covers. He had woken up with a terrible cold and he was still feeling absolutely miserable. All he wanted was his boyfriend but Morgan was out for a weekend with his new friend Matthew. Nate groaned just thinking about Morgan and Matthew. Nate had always been insecure about himself, particularly about his looks, and Matthew just happened to be a drop dead gorgeous gay guy who Nate knew for a fact had a crush on Morgan. Nate hated doubting Morgan’s loyalty to him but he couldn’t help it.

Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo!

Nate sniffled and blew his nose wetly before letting out a loud groan. He checked his phone again, hoping for a message from his boyfriend. He sighed when there wasn’t one before curling up and falling asleep.


“Baby. Come on baby, wake up.”

Nate sniffled and slowly opened his eyes, smiling slightly when he saw his boyfriend. Morgan smiled and kissed Nate’s head.

“Hey sleepyhead. Why are you still asleep?”

Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo!

“Bless you baby. You sick?”


Morgan smiled and crawled into bed next to Nate, pulling him into a hug and gently rubbing his back. Nate sighed and cuddled closer to Morgan, reveling in his boyfriend’s gentle touch. Morgan tilted Nate’s head up and kissed his lips gently. Nate smiled slightly.

“How was your weekend?”

“Fun. Matthew and I had a great time.”

Nate sniffled and wrapped his arm around Morgan’s waist, pulling him closer and refusing to let him go.

“Matthew’s attractive. Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo!

“Gesundheit babe. And yeah, he’s good looking.”

“Better looking than me?”

Morgan sighed and pulled Nate even closer. He knew all about Nate’s insecurities and he was used to his boyfriend needing a little encouragement every once and a while. It broke his heart every time his boyfriend felt bad.

“Nate, baby, I love you and you are the most gorgeous human being on the face of the earth. I want to be with you forever. I hate when you doubt that.”

“I know. Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo!

“Bless you baby. Matthew’s a good friend but you are the love of my life. Okay?”

Nate smiled and cuddled closer to his boyfriend.


Morgan nuzzled his boyfriend’s head and kissed him lightly.

“You wanna curl up and take a nap baby? I’ll rub your back if you want.”

Nate smiled and rolled onto his side, his back facing Morgan. Morgan smiled and leaned on his side, rubbing Nate’s back gently. Nate sniffled wetly before pitching forward.

Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo! Hachoo!

“Bless you baby.”

“Thank you.”

“Close your eyes and try to rest angel.”

Morgan smiled as he began to hear Nate’s breath even out. When he was certain his boyfriend was asleep, he placed a kiss on Nate’s forehead.

“I love you sweetie. Feel better.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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Thats soooo cute<3 Gahh. Oh & im one that likes contagion<3. K thanks.. I request contagion.

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DeathNoteOwner-And contagion you shall have!

Moonkitty.-Yay! I'm glad you like it! Haha. Don't worry about it.

secretsneezelover27-I love writing sicky fluff stories! Enjoy it!

Prompt: Closer To Fine (Indigo Girls)

Characters: Jesse/Kyle (cold)

Author: Rachiella

Haishoo! Haishoo!

“Bless you baby.”

Kyle sniffled and buried his face in Jesse’s neck. Jesse smiled and kissed his boyfriend’s head before bringing a wrist up to feel Kyle’s forehead.

“Your temperature’s down baby.”

Kyle smiled before leaning back against Jesse’s chest.

“I feel better than I did yesterday. Haishoo! Haishoo! Haishoo! Haishoo!

Jesse nuzzled Kyle’s cheek gently and kissed his neck.

“I love you Kyle.”

Kyle smiled and sniffled.

“I love you too sweetheart.”

Jesse kissed Kyle’s cheek again and got up, going into the kitchen to make some tea for his sick boyfriend. Kyle smiled as he watched Jesse heat up some water for him.

“Thank you for taking such good care of me sweetie.”

Jesse looked up and smiled at Kyle.

“You’re welcome babe.”

Jesse returned to the couch, two mugs of tea in hand, and kissed Kyle’s head. Kyle smiled before pitching forward.

Haishoo! Haishoo! Haishoo! H…HAISHOO! HAISHOO! HAISHOO!

“Bless you cutie.”

Kyle sniffled and smiled at his boyfriend before pitching forward with a string of wet coughs. Jesse frowned and gently rubbed his boyfriend’s back.

“Take a deep breath baby. Just relax.”

When Kyle finally stopped coughing, he cleared his throat and leaned against his boyfriend.

“I hate feeling sick.”

Jesse kissed Kyle’s head lovingly.

“You’re getting better baby. You’ll be fine in a few days.”

Kyle smiled and cuddled close to his boyfriend’s chest.

“You’re sweet.”

Jesse kissed Kyle’s cheek.

“You’re adorable.”



Prompt: Kiss Me (Sixpence None The Richer)

Characters: Ryan (cold)/Aaron (cold)

Author: Rachiella

Eshchoo! Eshchoo! Eshchoo!

“Bless you sweetheart. Do you need a tissue?”

Aaron sniffled wetly and nodded. Ryan smiled and grabbed a tissue from the box by the bed before bringing it up to Aaron’s nose.

“Blow your nose sweetpea.”

Aaron blew his snotty nose into the tissue before letting out a sniffle. Ryan smiled and kissed Aaron’s head.

“Let’s take your temperature baby.”

Aaron coughed wetly before opening his mouth and allowing Ryan to slip the thermometer in his mouth. Ryan kissed Aaron’s warm forehead, wrapping his arms around Aaron’s waist. When the thermometer beeped, Ryan pulled it out and kissed his boyfriend’s cheek.

“100.2 baby.”

Aaron sniffled and cuddled closer to Ryan’s chest. Ryan leaned forward to kiss Aaron’s lips but his boyfriend pushed him away.

“No kissing. I don’t want you to get my cold.”

Ryan laughed quietly before tilting Aaron’s chin up.

“Sweetie, I love you and I don’t care if I get sick. Will a kiss make you feel better?”

Aaron sniffled before pitching forward.

Eshchoo! Eshchoo! E…ESHCHOO! ESHCHOO!

“Bless you sweetheart. So, will a kiss make you feel better?”

Aaron shrugged before sitting up to try and move away from his boyfriend. Ryan reached an arm out and pulled Aaron back.

“Baby, let me take care of you. Now, for the last time, will a kiss make you feel better?”

Aaron smiled slightly and nodded. Ryan smiled and leaned forward, kissing his boyfriend’s lips.

“I love you sweetheart.”

“I love you too. Eshchoo! Eshchoo! Eshchoo! Eshchoo!

“Bless you baby.”


Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo! H…HEPSHOO! HEPSHOO! HEPSHOO!

“Bless…Eshchoo! Eshchoo! Eshchoo! Eshchoo! E…ESHCHOO! ESHCHOO!

Ryan sniffled and blew his nose before pulling Aaron closer to his chest. Aaron smiled and kissed Ryan’s lips.

“I told you you’d get sick too.”

Ryan smiled and hugged his boyfriend.

“Totally worth it.”

Aaron smiled and leaned up to kiss Ryan’s lips again.

“Thank you for looking out for me.”

Ryan nuzzled Aaron’s cheek.

“Thank you for letting me. Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo!

Eshchoo! Eshchoo! Eshchoo!

“Bless you cutie.”

Aaron smiled and curled up on Ryan’s chest. Ryan kissed Aaron’s head and wrapped an arm around him.


Aaron smiled and nodded.


“Of co…Hepshoo! Hepshoo! Hepshoo!

“Bless you.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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YAY CONTAGION<3 YOU THE BEST<3 hehe. anyhow .. ehm one of the boys has a secret fetish & induces the other for fun?Cat allegys? Mkai thanks thats my requests C: clapping.gif

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