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Would You Rather

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I'd lick the car wheel. There's the whole risky electric train tracks thing ...

Would you rather be famous for being on a reality TV show, or for starring in a Disney channel movie? (Reality TV like Big Brother; nothing with skill or interest. :lol1:)

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Oh, how I hate reality TV. I don't much like the Disney movies these days either, but that's the one I'd have to pick.

Would you rather have to wear long pants all summer or shorts all winter?

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I'd rather wear long pants in summer (I do anyway, I hate shorts).

Would you rather shave your legs, or shave your pits? (I'd especially be amused if a guy answers this)

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Umm legs no one really sees the under arms...lot of shirts to cover up that hot mess.

Would you rather have a lot of money a lot of respect from other business people but will never be loved or would you rather have a lot of love but your a homeless bum?

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Homeless but with love! Especially since I just read a chapter in a book about how to be an efficient Dumpster diver. ;D

Would you rather only be able to wear very bright colors or only black?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Freakishly tall. :laugh: I've got enough experience with being a shorty. :bleh:

Would you rather... go on a Mars mission or dive to the bottom of the ocean? :doh:

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Has to be the Mars mission (despite my absolute hatred for all things that involve flying!)

Would you rather...eat bread or toast?

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Has to be the Mars mission (despite my absolute hatred for all things that involve flying!)

Would you rather...eat bread or toast?




(Cheats on the test and asks the classmate next to her: "Aren't both bread?")


Toast (Why not toasted bread?), as long as it's not white, white. If the toast is white, white and the bread is sourdough bread, I'll take the bread any day. Preferably slightly toasted. So. Uh. I like my bread toasted, but if you by toast mean the yucky white things that tastes nothing with a little sugar, I don't want them. If you by toast mean my favourite bread, but toasted, I'll take that... (Look at me not being able to answer a simple question!)

Would you rather be kicked by a horse or an ostrich? (wutlol?)

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Ostrich. Come on, it would make a much cooler story! (whether I'd survive it or not...)

Would you rather always sing instead of talking, or have a really bad stutter?

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  • 9 months later...
Would you rather lose your big toe or pinky finger?

Pinky finger. Definitely. (It's not like I use it that much, although I used to when I played piano.)

Would you rather by terrified of stuffed animals or people's toes? (I'm a random kind of person.)

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  • 5 weeks later...
Would you rather lose your big toe or pinky finger?

Pinky finger. Definitely. (It's not like I use it that much, although I used to when I played piano.)

Would you rather by terrified of stuffed animals or people's toes? (I'm a random kind of person.)

stuffed animals lol i love swimming too much for the other one.

would you rather...uh...have to go a year without your favorite candy or have to eat it every single day for the rest of your life?

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I don't eat a lot of candy so I'd go a year without it.

Would you rather move to a small town with the nicest people ever, or move to a huge city with lots to do but the meanest people ever?

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  • 1 month later...

small town for sure! I mean I need nice people around me :cry:

Would you rather

never be able to see a sneeze again?


never be able to hear a sneeze again?

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Although it's a hard choice, never able to see. I could always imagine the sight, but the sound is unforgettable haha.

Would you rather....

Lose all your hair?


Or have it all turn purple?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to have to go for the latter if for no other reason than that my hair is already entirely purple! That certainly made it easy.

Would you rather have to say everything you're thinking exactly when you're thinking it out loud, or never be able to speak again?

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  • 1 month later...

I'd rather never be able to speak again. There are plenty of ways around that, such as written communication or sign language.

Would you rather permanently change your gender, or your sexual orientation?

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I would change my gender, though it's a very tough choice.

Would you rather have a fully functional brain but a nonfunctional body, or a fully functional body and a nonfunctional brain?

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  • 3 months later...

Oh my. That is tricky. Perhaps functioning brain. No...body. I choose functional body.

Would you rather eat only fruits and veggies or only meat and fish? (I couldn't come up with anything cleverer...)

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Meat and fish, definitely. I'm a carnivore...and I have a high metabolism from sports and stuff so I need protein.

Would you rather have to read your favorite book over and over and over for the rest of your life or never be allowed to read it again?

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Probably read it over and over again. I don't have one single favorite, but I do periodically re-read the ones I like the most when I don't have anything new to read.

Would you rather be stranded in the desert or in the arctic?

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IN the desert, because it cools at night, leaving you with rocks to make a bed out of, and because it is scorching during the day, the rocks absorb the heat from the sun. If you were in the artic, it would be freezing all the time.

Would you rather be able to pause time or be able to fly?

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Oh, fly. That would be beyond awesome. :wub:

If they were going to force you to watch one film, and your choice was between 'IT' and 'Twilight', what would you choose?

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