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Would You Rather

a red nine

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I rather have my hair down to my feet. I can pull a rapunzel and braid it. ;)

Would you rather loose a special talent or loose your eye sight?

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That's a tough one. Hair down to my feet - here's hoping I can cut it!

Would you rather have to stomp everywhere you go or have to tiptoe everywhere? (for a day or so I suppose, because for a lifetime sounds very unpleasant)

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That's a tough one. Hair down to my feet - here's hoping I can cut it!

Would you rather have to stomp everywhere you go or have to tiptoe everywhere? (for a day or so I suppose, because for a lifetime sounds very unpleasant)

Tiptoe (like a ninja xD). Stomping would be too disruptive.

Would you rather make out with an unattractive stranger or share an intimate hug with your worst enemy?

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Hug with the enemy I think. At worst nothing changes, at best we might even get along a little better (and I think it would feel less violating than making out, although I'm not really up for either).

Would you rather have to wear your shoes without laces (no cheating by wearing non-lace shoes) or go barefoot?

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Shoes with no laces, definitely. I never ever tie my shoes, I always have the laces just tucked inside, and they're normally so loose that the laces serve no purpose anyway :lol:

This is a bit grim, but would you rather be bitten so hard by a person that it breaks the skin or be punched in the stomach?

I could literally think of nothing else :P

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I'd go for the bite, because I got hit in the stomach once with a soccer ball and I couldn't breathe, so that really sucked.

Would you rather be really good at math or be fluent in 5 different languages?

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Languages, all the way. They are arguably more useful.

Would you rather have

a 24-hour stomach bug


a one-week cold plus fever?

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The one week long cold+fever, without a doubt (being the quite severe emetophobe that I am).

Plus with the cold, you may be miserable, but it doesn't exactly dehabilitate you, does it? You can still eat, leave the house, and go about your daily life. And there would be a chance that I could have some 'fun' with it at least ;)

Would you rather go on holiday (vacation) to a beautiful foreign city, but stay in the worst accommodation there, or stay in luxury accomodation in your hometown?

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Ooh, I'd rather stay in a luxury accommodation in my hometown. I could just stay at the hotel all day and do nothing... *sighs*

Would you rather throw up constantly for a whole day or hear someone throw up every day for a year?

(eh...I'm out of ideas...)

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That's sounds terrifying, ahhh! I'm gonna choose hear someone throw up every day for a year. Eventually I'd have to get used to it. (I hope that person isn't throwing up all day)

Would you rather swim through a whole pool of yogurt while dressed in a fur coat or spend a week apologizing to each food before you eat it? (something is wrong with me if I think of questions like this...)

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I would rather apologize to my food. It seems like less work and it would be kind of fun in a weird way. people would probably think I belong in a mental hospital, but I don't care!!!

Would you rather: live your life always traveling, I mean never owning a home ever again, OR settle down in your dream home in your dream destination??

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I would choose to settle...many cant say that they truly found their dream home ya know? Hmmm....would u rather live with a painful illness that has no cure OR would u rather live with a broken spine that cant be fixed?(ur still alive btw...wtf is wrong wirh me?!)

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I'd go with painful illness with no cure. Pain can at least managed, broken spine is something you can do nothing about...

Wooooould you rather... Decorate your home in baroque style and start referring to yourself as 'lord' or 'lady' (depending on your gender) oooor have dirty car parts around the house.

(Randomquestion is random).

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Hands down baroque! That period had great styling. Would u rather eat an undeveloped egg with the baby bird still inside or bull testicles?

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This is hard because I'm a vegetarian :) Um... Bull testicles. I don't wanna think about how that would taste...

Would your rather drink your own pee or drink someone else's pee?

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O.o w..well i dont wanna do both but since its my body and all, I would say my own pee. Ok so would u rather care for ur enemy who is sick for a week? Or ur ex for a day? (Both have colds):P

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O.o w..well i dont wanna do both but since its my body and all, I would say my own pee. Ok so would u rather care for ur enemy who is sick for a week? Or ur ex for a day? (Both have colds)tonguesmiley.gif

That's a hard one since I have no enemies nor exes. :lol:

Is my mortal enemy an attractive person? Because if they are, I'm totally going for my enemy for a week! That way I can torture them for my physical pleasure without feeling guilty at all, because, hey, I hate them! Yesss... I like that idea very much. :drool:

Would you rather be able to pick up languages very quickly but forget your mother tongue forever, or be unable to learn foreign languages?

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Pick up languages very quickly and forget my mother tongue forever. I would miss my mother tongue, but without any foreign languages I'd be, quite frankly, screwed. :P

Would you rather... cross-dress for a month or wear high heels (if you generally do wear high heels, wear much higher ones :P ) for a year?

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I would rather cross dress for a month, I have seen girls wear high heels and that just looks like a one way ticket to pain ville xD

Would you rather fight a T-Rex with bear arms, or fight a bear with T-rex arms?

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Fight a T-Rex with bear arms :D (If I'm right, T-rex is one of those who have tiny, tiny, feeble arms that are practically useless...?)

Would you rather learn to move items with the power of your mind or learn to cast lightning bolts from your hands? :P

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Hell yeah cast lighting bolts from my hands!!! I can say im zeus and stuff. Would u rather have no tv for a month, or no internet for a month?

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No TV for a month~ I hardly watch it anyway, and you can cheat and watch things online most of the time >w>~

Would you rather speak in Klingon, or Elvish~?

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Elvish...so sexy.....

Would u rather...get beaten to death or get stabbed to death...( my mind is screwed up ignore it)

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stabbed to death seems like it would go faster and plus you might get a good look at your own insides which might be an interesting last view.

today you've been granted a superpower. would you rather be able to fly via the power of percussive farts or shoot old buicks from the palms of your hands

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Probably the buicks, it seems like shooting a car at someone would definitely hurt haha. Plus flying that way seems like it'd be painful after a while.

Would you rather drink a quart of vinegar or a quart of lemon juice?

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